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BBW liking Slender Men???
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former member default image - bird flying away

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The only thing that kills me is when you console a female friend who happens to be larger because she hates that "men are so shallow and only want thin women" only to have her tell you that you that she wants only athletic builds for her men.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

ggr1972 wrote: The only thing that kills me is when you console a female friend who happens to be larger because she hates that "men are so shallow and only want thin women" only to have her tell you that you that she wants only athletic builds for her men.

Truly that will grate on nerves a bit I can understand that. The problem isn't that she only wants athletic men though, see I bet that is who she goes after and would be completely loyal she is following what her true inner compass directs her to be with. The real problem that she is bemoaning is that she is upset over yet another loss of either a relationship or a crush...which you are going to hear from any female friend that has just been given a broken heart (be they skinny or fat or inbetween...all dumped females feel men are jerks looking only for the next better bimbo to be with instead...just go with it and pass her the one claimed upset females were 100% rational did they?) best advice is either make friends with just guys, make friends with only happily married people, or maybe time to be friends with females that dont date men and so cant complain about them lol

What you may not realize though, is that her liking only athletic men even though she is bigger is one of the hardest positions to be in for any female. Females typically marry men who they are prettier than, it helps give us security in the relationship (really statistics out there I bet go with me here). Also, a big guy that brings home a big girl wont be as berated by family or friends for his choice in girl...but just imagine an athletic guys mind about bringing home a bbw (it definitely is not what will be expected by his family or friends) ... so yes I have heard more than once about the athletic guys that love us bbws getting cold feet or being unable to really commit to the relationship (that is when they arent just playing with the bbws on the downlow). Otherwise why else are there so many 30-40 something smart sexy athletic men in a search for a bbw? One would think with the country being 2/3 overweight it shouldnt be that hard of a search, and that by those ages they should have found a bbw to settle down with by then ... unless they were previously married ... though out of my experience the athletic men that love bbws only are almost all men who have never married...and by age 36+ it doesnt look like they ever will finally get married. At least that has been what I have seen. I have seen the athletic guys that just couldnt commit to their bbw gf then go get married to a nonbbw, or they never marry and never stay in any bbw relationship for longer than 6 months. So I have found the bbw track of loving the athletic built men to be the hardest one so far myself...way more near commitment relationships that just bite the dust last minute than there seems to be with friends that are bbws and that go for the thin men or the bigger guys. So in all I do see this as the hardest route to be on in trying to follow what makes us happiest.

Any athletic men out there willing to nay-say me on this?

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Can see your point there....

i'm just saying that one should not bemoan others for doing what oneself does...:P

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`true a rational person can see that...and if you are sick of hearing your "friend" being such a whiner about what she does herself...I would have to ask you why you stick around listening to it? If it is in hopes she will give up on those other guys and turn to you...probably not going to happen, I just say that because she is whining to you about guys like you are another girl friend of hers...if you want a chance with her you already missed it before you two became best buds, or else change your look to become that which she adores and maybe she will have a change of heart.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`I have to place an opinion once again...why do most people here assume that because I am a BBW that I should want a BHM only want BBW's...the answer is no cause it may not be what they are attracted to...skinny people don't need to be only attracted to skinny people and big people to big people its called personal preference...I myself am I much larger individual, but it doesn't mean I want my other half to be over 300 lbs as well, not that I don't like bigger guys but it may not be what I prefer...its like the world thinks we should be grateful that someone should even want to be with us that we should settle for less than what we really want...I prefer a guy with some cushion on but it doesn't mean I would reject someone smaller or bigger, I will accept someone for who they are if they will do the one can help what attracts them its personal preference...

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March 1, 2011
Posts: 14

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`I think you are attracted to who you are attracted to. Makes no difference at all what you happen to look like. I think though as someone pointed out, it does seem more acceptable to be a larger male. I happen to be big and I find larger men sexier well I love all men really but bigger is my pref.
I guess I feel more secure with someone bigger.

Though it also could be the examples we see as children. Like in my household my grandmother often spoke of larger people with more respect then say someone thinner. She felt they represented wealth, security, and loyalty. She use to tell me that the grave yard was full of bones anytime I tried or thought of losing weight. At school however people had an entirely different view of the thinner impaired so it just may have a little to do with the examples we were raised with as I said before.
Just my 2 cents.

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September 22, 2009
Posts: 55

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ggr1972 wrote: The only thing that kills me is when you console a female friend who happens to be larger because she hates that "men are so shallow and only want thin women" only to have her tell you that you that she wants only athletic builds for her men.

LOL this was kinda the point when i made this topic,this is what i was trying to say.LOL

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Having a preference isn't shallow, It's just having a preference and knowing what you like.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`It is what you like....its not shallow..o though i used to think alsways should think twice :D

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Some ppl do and some ppl dont (notice I say ppl not bbw because I seen bhm do it too) I personally find it amusing ( yup I said it amusing if ur offended let me make this clear I feel bad for those who get screwed over but I dont feel bad for someone who makes the same mistake constant time over. ) that when I hear stories of ppl who have countless been in bad relationship when they keep going for the same type of ppl. Screw it! Its what they want aka self sabotage. I like variety I prefer big but ill still except small they might have a great personality that connection I dunno I dont look for perfection, the world isnt perfect, Im not perfect I cant expect the person Im interested in to be perfect ether. Test the waters and do what ur gut feeling says. When opportunity knocks I open the door and see what it has to offer. Until then let those with narrow views of the world look for that one that still leaves u a few billion to look keep ur cool and say fawk em keep it moving. :D

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July 26, 2011
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Im a slender man and I only like BBW.

I don't even know mang :/

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Well, I would just love to have a BBW that outweighs me by 100 or more Lbs.

I think I remember a line from a song that went "I want a woman half my age and twice my weight". That would be nice.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`I like they way my friend put it, "I stress the bed out enough, why do I want some one who pushes our bed over it's limits?"

Not that I agree but she made me laugh.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

just kind of kills me when a gal I know chooses the abusive piece of crap she's on/off with over me because the looks outweight the abuse.

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November 22, 2011
Posts: 11

PostPosted:     Post subject: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...
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Yeah I don't think it's being hypocritical at all...and I think that is what we are all fighting against as well- we don't want to be pigeon holed to something just because of what we look like!

I'm large and I've always been a little meatier than most...but I've ONLY ever liked really skinny guys. (Yeah it's strange) But even 'fit' or 'bodybuilding' types aren't going to cut it. My husband (we're separated) is 115 lbs soaking wet and 5'4"...and I'm not kidding about the soaking wet part either! I also like short guys as well- small and short...I have no idea why but to me their HOT. Even when I was was skinny I went for the same type...when I was in the Army I went for the same type as well!

That's just me.

What I THINK it may have something to do with is power and gender roles- (this is just kind of a guess though). A lot of women who get bigger guys want to be protected and kind of have a more traditional role of "the little woman" in the relationship. While women who like smaller guys may not want to be protected in the same way. Just like more traditional women are attracted to a 'manly' man with strong features and less traditional women are attracted to 'girly' boys...I think it says more about her personality than her tastes.

I don't like men with body hair, I don't really like tall men, I don't like guys who drink, I don't like big men, and I don't like 'manly' men- but I have body hair, well I'm not that tall, I used to drink a lot, I'm big, I'm not very any of those things make me a hypocrite? OF COURSE NOT...they make me ME.

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