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Is there any real women out there that are not judgemental
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Is there any real women out there that are not judgemental

my name is warren i mean just cause some people cant work i do not think it matters i mean if they are disabled like myself i mean not physically disabled but with some men if they cannot work it really shouldnt matter about if they have a job i mean as long as they have a income isnt that what really matters whats on the inside

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August 17, 2004
Posts: 10

PostPosted:     Post subject: Re: Is there any real women out there that are not judgement
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warren95660 wrote: my name is warren i mean just cause some people cant work i do not think it matters i mean if they are disabled like myself i mean not physically disabled but with some men if they cannot work it really shouldnt matter about if they have a job i mean as long as they have a income isnt that what really matters whats on the inside

So if it's not a physical disability that stops you from working, what is it?

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Punctuation. It's a beautiful thing.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`I guess it depends upon why you cannot work! Is it a mental disability? If you were already involved or married to the person who had a mental disability that is one thing but to start a relationship with someone who is suffering with a mental disability that is a whole different ball game. You say that you are not physically disabled so it must be mental or you just choose not to work. I personally work hard everyday for every cent that I earn and the last thing I want is to get into a relationship and have to support another adult. I don't believe that this is being judgemental. I do think that most women want an equal in a relationship not someone who is dependent upon them. You may have an income but if you are on Social Security disability, it cannot be much because you are not old enough to have paid that much into it! Unless your income is illegally gained, in which case, most smart women nothing to do with that!!!

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May 3, 2008
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`I personally wouldn't want to get into a relationship and have to support the other person. I would definitely prefer to be an equal as far as income is concerned.

Also, as chellenky pointed out, it's not ideal to get into a relationship with someone who has a mental disability. That's not being judgemental. That's just a fact of life.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`I agree with these ladies before me Warren. (Love the name btw) But I wouldent want to support a grown person. Every relationship I have been in, I have told the guy to back the hell off when he offered to "rescue" me. I dont intend to have someone support me and I dont intend to support another. If you are writing here, how bad can your disability be? You need to be more specific or of course women are going to do the wise thing and stay cautious around you. Men do the same thing.

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August 6, 2006
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`Judgemental has nothing to do with it. You say you are disabled...but not physically. So why cant you work? Every adult needs to be able to take care of themselves. I would really have to think long and hard about starting a relationship with a man who is already disabled. If i were in one already...and he Became disabled..then of course thats a different story. I take care of myself....always have. I don't even want someone to take care of's my job. What a person is inside is important....but...being a productive member of society is important to me too.

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former member default image - bird flying away

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July 28, 2006
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`I have met a couple people online who were collecting disability. They were perfectly able to work, but they were running some kind of scam that allowed them to draw a SSI check. This makes me angry because I also know truly deserving disabled people who are on waiting lists or unable to get diability. It seems very unfair.
Call me judgemental, I guess!!

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

hiwayman wrote: `Well Warren as you can see by Shndrelee's respionce there are plenty of shallow women on this site. The nature of your disability is no ones buisness but your own. Remember women see men as meal tickets and providers. Even thou they are just as capable of providing for themselves. I wouldn't loose any sleep over them Remember women are just that.......women. LOL
Oh yea Shandreleee howbout checkin my spellin for me. Maybe that will give you something else to do besides slamming the disabled.

I do not think that women being cautious about who they get involved with is considered shallow. I think that it is considered smart. Also, I do not think that men are "meal tickets and providers". Wake Up! This is the year 2008 and women work just as hard for a living as men. I personally raised two children, went to college and worked all at the same time without being provided for by a man. In fact, I did not even receive child support and you know what.....I am proud of the fact that I did this on my own. The "Modern Woman" is educated and is quite capable of taking care of herself. I do not want a man in my life for his paycheck. I want to share my life with a man. I want him to have a job, yes! But I want to have a job that makes him happy. If that job is flipping hamburgers at McDonalds, that is fine but I do not want him to be dependent upon me just am I will not be dependent on a man.

By the way, I was not bashing the disabled when I wrote what I did. I was merely pointing out that most women do not want a man to be dependent upon them when they are just starting out. I have know a few disabled people in my life and most of these people do not want to be disabled, they want to work. My own father was one such person. He worked hard most of his life and provided well for his family. When I was 12 years old, he was not longer phisically able to do so. This tore him up inside. But, my parents loved each other and stuck together when the going got tough. My Mom went to work to supplement the income that was brought into the house. I am proud of the fact that my parents handled the situation the way that they did. That is what you are supposed to do when you love someone. But, they had been married for 17 years by that time. They were not just dating.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Seriously hiwayman, you need to come into this century women don't need providers we are perfectly capable of taking care of wouldn't want someone to be dependant on you so why should we be expected to do the same? I certainly am not looking for a provider or meal ticket considering I have been working since I was 15...sure there are women out there like that but don't clump us all together...alot of men are @ssh*les but they all aren't so stop making such a generalized statement...yes the nature of you disability Warren is no ones business but your own but maybe that is not the problem, maybe you don't approach ladies right or worse yet maybe your point of view is similar to hiwayman's and if that is the case well good luck to ya...just saying is all

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: We all do it :-p

I don't know if we are judgemental, but I think that everyone is constantly judging eachother somehow you know? Personally I think that talking to someone before you actually see them is really cool because then they aren't judging you based on how you look because that is really annoying. Boys look at me and say, "Wow she is a big girl with big b--bs and a pretty face, she must put out,"but that's not the case. We are humans we all do it. )

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former member default image - bird flying away

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Yea Yea Yea

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`It is really a shame that you have the attitude that you do, not all women are like that and I for one am not going to be lumped in some category like gold digger just because you are bitter and jaded...all I am saying is to realize that not all women are the same I would like to think all men are not the same because if your biased attitude is the norm for men I am glad that I am single...lighten up and find the right someone obviously your ex's are either not nice people or they are saints judging by your judgmental stance...

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November 17, 2007
Posts: 3

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`Obviously hiwayman, you do not know the court system as you claim you do. There use to be a time that children automatically went to the mother when there was a divorced, hence the man SHOULD help raise their children financially. Note: some men needed to be tracked down because they thought their new girlfriends deserved to be taken care of more so than their own children. I know because I use to work in the court system; now my studies reside in psychology.
On that note, Warren did post about being disabled on a public forum, I am proud that women and men on here questioned his disability. Regardless if it makes you angry or not hiwayman, any one would be really silly not to question what they may be getting themselves into.
However, some men deservingly get the children, thus women have to pay child support to the fathers. If you do not believe me, research it.
Final note, you suggested that you have been down the divorce aisle a few times; is it safe to assume that maybe this bit of attitude you are showing in your post may be to blame?

Ladies, there is nothing wrong with you wanting a man to bring equality to a relationship. Just make sure he can equally not cheat, not lie, and not be pains in the rear!

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