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Do They Really Think We're That Stupid??
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August 6, 2006
Posts: 11

PostPosted:     Post subject: Do They Really Think We're That Stupid??
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Three times in the last 3 weeks I have been messaged by 3 different men claiming to be 1. A contractor, or 2. An engineer of some sort. All claiming to be looking for the woman of their dreams...all looking for their 'soulmate'..All mid 40's to mid 50's..and amazingly enough...all of them with a young child from 11 to 13. All of them, strangely enough 'yeah right', who just happen to type the almost identical broken english I've ever seen. You can also forget punctuation. LOL, so me, being the bad girl that I am, went along with all three...chatting...acting as if i believed every word they typed...even when it was like deciphering Greek...just to see how far they'd go.

Within 2 days they were declaring undying love...all of them. Within 1 week..they were awarded some sorta contract which would take them to and shortly thereafter...days..not weeks..Each of them experienced some sort of 'emergency' requiring ME to send them some money. And of course I was gonna do this..and they were gonna repay me when they got back to the states...but it was for US...and our future! Again..yeah Right!!!!

LOLOLOL...ok..How stupid do they think we really are?? Does being fat mean you cant think?? Is the fat supposed to have surrounded our brain rendering us incapable of rational thought?

Has this happened to other girls here? LOL I'd just like to know if I'm some sorta con man magnet!]

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Posted:     Post subject:

`Sounds like BS to me. I worked as an Engineer for the State for over 20 years. Never did see a single dictionary but every one knew how to use spell check. Just like you.

So please check muy spelllling deaaar. mayabe tat willll give yourrr somethinnn tooo do :)Besides comppliannn

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January 5, 2005
Posts: 970

PostPosted:     Post subject: Re: Do They Really Think We're That Stupid??
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shandriel wrote: Three times in the last 3 weeks I have been messaged by 3 different men claiming to be 1. A contractor, or 2. An engineer of some sort. All claiming to be looking for the woman of their dreams...all looking for their 'soulmate'..All mid 40's to mid 50's..and amazingly enough...all of them with a young child from 11 to 13. All of them, strangely enough 'yeah right', who just happen to type the almost identical broken english I've ever seen. You can also forget punctuation. LOL, so me, being the bad girl that I am, went along with all three...chatting...acting as if i believed every word they typed...even when it was like deciphering Greek...just to see how far they'd go.

Within 2 days they were declaring undying love...all of them. Within 1 week..they were awarded some sorta contract which would take them to and shortly thereafter...days..not weeks..Each of them experienced some sort of 'emergency' requiring ME to send them some money. And of course I was gonna do this..and they were gonna repay me when they got back to the states...but it was for US...and our future! Again..yeah Right!!!!

LOLOLOL...ok..How stupid do they think we really are?? Does being fat mean you cant think?? Is the fat supposed to have surrounded our brain rendering us incapable of rational thought?

Has this happened to other girls here? LOL I'd just like to know if I'm some sorta con man magnet!]

We would like to recommend that everyone take a moment to read the ONLINE DATING SAFETY page, linked within the HELP section of the site.

Also, in order to limit spam as much as possible, we rely on members to report people who behave in the manner described in the quote above.

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September 12, 2008
Posts: 1

PostPosted:     Post subject: Re: Do They Really Think We're That Stupid??
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shandriel wrote: Three times in the last 3 weeks I have been messaged by 3 different men claiming to be 1. A contractor, or 2. An engineer of some sort. All claiming to be looking for the woman of their dreams...all looking for their 'soulmate'..All mid 40's to mid 50's..and amazingly enough...all of them with a young child from 11 to 13. All of them, strangely enough 'yeah right', who just happen to type the almost identical broken english I've ever seen. You can also forget punctuation. LOL, so me, being the bad girl that I am, went along with all three...chatting...acting as if i believed every word they typed...even when it was like deciphering Greek...just to see how far they'd go.

Within 2 days they were declaring undying love...all of them. Within 1 week..they were awarded some sorta contract which would take them to and shortly thereafter...days..not weeks..Each of them experienced some sort of 'emergency' requiring ME to send them some money. And of course I was gonna do this..and they were gonna repay me when they got back to the states...but it was for US...and our future! Again..yeah Right!!!!

LOLOLOL...ok..How stupid do they think we really are?? Does being fat mean you cant think?? Is the fat supposed to have surrounded our brain rendering us incapable of rational thought?

Has this happened to other girls here? LOL I'd just like to know if I'm some sorta con man magnet!]

I get those allot on myspace too. It always starts with ''hello beauty'' or some bs like that and it's usually some guy from Nigeria or some 3rd world country. They always want to be ''friends'' and hope to hear back from us. Ya those are --------. :/ One guy wanted my address to ship some clothes or something. wtf? Um no! He not so suprisingly dissapeared when I told him no ha! good riddance!
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September 20, 2008
Posts: 4

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`That hasnt happen to me yet. lol. My god, men can be so stupid. I would never give a man money for any reason. It's so easy to get used. You definitely have to be careful.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`Same way I feel about women. Prob why I'm still single huh?? lol

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July 28, 2006
Posts: 16

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`I have had the exact the same thing, so it's not just women who are targeted. Many of them use lots of religious references, because they have reason to believe that religious people are more trusting.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

This has happened to me too! That is why I created a new profile on here with a new name!!! This guy contacted me on another site and after only a 20 minute chat told me that he had strong feelings for me. He even sent me all kinds of pictures of himself supposedly in Nigeria. Of course, from the backgrounds of these pictures you can tell they were not from Nigeria. Since I suspect this person is a scammer I think that this person has stolen pictures off of someones photobucket or myspace page and sent them to me. Be smart! Do a little research on romance scammers! There are webpages out there that give a lot of information.
Also, when you create a myspace, facebook, photobucket, or any other type of page that highlights any of your personal pictures, you may want to thnk about setting it to private or make it so that someone has to put a password to see your images. They can steal your pictures too!!! They could even use your pictures or pictures of your friends and family to run a scam on someone else!

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

This is something I can relate with. I'll be 40 years old in less than 3 weeks and if I had any kind of(what people call) great looks then they have been gone for many years. I'm not saying I feel I'm ugly, but when a man of my looks and image has many young, beautiful woman online taking interest in me I never believe it's real. Almost all the time I am sent an email that looks like anyone's name could be put on and the things they write contradict what their profiles read. All the profiles I read from a person like that are not picky on the way someone looks and have a broad age range of what they are looking for(like for example 18-99). With a little common sense you can spot people like this. I'm not saying that all good looking people are out to get your money, but if you are like me and you don't have them approach you in real life and they do online then there is something not quite right.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

That is a con that has been around for quiet a while.
The men are in Nigeria,and women are buying what they say hook line and sinker!
They have made a pretty good living off,complimenting and saying all the things anyone really lonely woman would want to hear.
Very sad,but NO,they do not just target the "fat" women,they are very open minded crooks!

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former member default image - bird flying away

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OPPS, Saying all the things a woman that is really lonely would want to hear!

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April 26, 2009
Posts: 2

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`The sad thing is, they actually do find people dumb enough - er, um - uninformed enough to believe them. The scammers wouldn't keep doing the same thing over and over if it wasn't getting results. I stumbled unto this website that keeps track of every known scam. It makes fascinating reading, but the sheer number of people who fall for the schemes is heartbreaking.

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May 16, 2009
Posts: 2

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`Hahaha. Men who don't genuinely like BBW tend to think that all fat women are a) desperate and b) this converts to stupidity. It's really funny when a man comes up to you in a club cracking on to you thinking he's guaranteed a positive response. Er no lmao.

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May 10, 2009
Posts: 6

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`They also go after guys, too. A friend of mine got ripped off by one of these scams. "She" was supposedly from South Africa, needed money to get to the US, claimed to have got stuck in the UK, and needed more money. This person told my friend that she had a large amount of money on a check that she would be able to cash once she got in the States. My friend sent this person several hundred dollars before he found out it was a scam.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

it is not just on dating sites. I belong to a couple different groups and a gal came on and said "hi. I think you name is interesting. I would like to get to know you better" and so forth.
well my screen name there, you cant tell if I am male or female so I got one too. but everyone was reporting her and did not click on the link she put in her inventation.
so it isnt just on this site, just be careful all over.

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