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Thinking of moving...

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Thinking of moving...

For quite some time now I've been looking for a new place to move. The heat here has been causing me breathing troubles. I have lived in many different parts of the country as a child I ran away from home at the age of 13 and haven't moved back or even close to that sate in years. to make a long story short my so called mother was anything but. Recently she got run over by a propane truck and crushed. she was buried back in Indiana on march this year to which I went to attend only to cast off as a jerk by my sister and her brood. I can deal with that. but I am still looking to move anywhere that I can afford to live and trust me anywhere beats Arkansas, so if you have any suggestions ... real suggestions, not sarcasm. Then please let me hear from you. this doesn't mean I'll jump to be your neighbor, but I will be greatful and well consider all true recommendations. And in advance thank you.

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October 26, 2008
Posts: 236

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`I am a midwest gal and love it up here. Formerly from North Dakota and now Minnesota.
Friendly folks, most of the amenities of any city anywhere, lots of outdoors type things to do.
One down side is the weather.
Last couple of years in North Dakota have been brutal.
Minnesota not so bad in the southern part but just as brutal in the northern part as ND.
North Dakota has the advantage at this point, of having more jobs available than Minnesota does. Some, in the oil and wind power industries are just at the edge of getting REALLY huge with demand for labor.
Another downside is North Dakota is pretty darn conservative. Parts of Minnesota are too but it depends on where a person would want to end up.
In any case, good luck with relocating. That can be tough sometimes.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Thank you cookinbubbles, I have lived in Wisconsin for 20 plus years I now cold winters too well. I've also lived in central Arizona, and that's hot no two ways about it. been to Las Vegas a lot of times, seemed my wife had the gambling bug along with her favorite uncle from Las Angelas, that man could drop $1,800 dollars in the first hour in Vegas. where as I use to go play $20 here and there and bring home more then I took. Oh we all loose at some games it's Vegas, that's why it's called gambling. I never really got to heavily into that but my wife did. That's why we moved back to snow country. but that's another

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October 26, 2008
Posts: 236

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`never understood gambling and have never been in a casino but I always promise myself that someday I will check it out....but some day never seems to come and I get busy with other things.
Some day.....

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Oh I quite understand, for a long time I promised myself that after I lost my wife of 20yrs to lung cancer that I go back to the dessert and live there till I died just because My wife and I made a good life out there but. alas I'm never going to cause now I have trouble breathing in the heat. not like I wanted to have trouble but I do. I've been looking for a nicer climate but yet I don't want a place that's so expensive and vegas is high But I hear Kansas is

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`I just can't believe that this site is so slow... I mentioned I'm thinking of moving and not one person has talked up their state, county or region. Is everyone on here asleep. What does it take to get a stimulated conversation started. I like this site but come one it's yawnsville.... "Please show me there's life out there.."

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October 26, 2008
Posts: 236

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`I agree.
I check back nearly every day and see very few new posts.
In my opinion, it is partly because it is summer.
This site was much more active last winter and there were some pretty lively discussions going on, hot tempers, hot blooded comments, nasty snide remarks....lots of fun...LOL
I am only partly kidding but it definitely more interesting then these past few months.
You want to see REAL slow, you ought to check out Senior Passions. That one is just dead. No action at all.
Too bad too because all the new members talk about being lonesome and looking but do nothing about it, on this site anyway.
Well, thats my story and I'm stickin' to it....:)

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August 27, 2010
Posts: 38

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`I just joined and you're right about few people on here. I've been promoting it in the singlesnet forums. At least there is a lot of activity there. Even the posts I made about this site get about 50 views a day. If any of you have use of the forums in any other paid site, you might want to do the same.
I grew up in Florida's space coast and have been in south Alabama since 1977 so I know all about stuffy summer heat. My brother lives in the Phoenix area too. I've always had an interest in weather & climate and the only part of the country I know of with mild summers without the real cold winters would be within 50 miles or so of the pacific coast. Anywhere north of L.A. all the way up to Seattle.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`well, i'm not responding because i live in Indiana. ;)

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

shylagirl24 wrote: `well, i'm not responding because i live in Indiana.

Oh What part of Indianza? you see I was born in Warsaw, IN...

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

fatuglyguy wrote: shylagirl24 wrote: `well, i'm not responding because i live in Indiana.

Oh What part of Indianza? you see I was born in Warsaw, IN...

nuh uh! i live in Winona Lake. wow, small world.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`I went to the school just above the Center Lake park... well it use to be, I just recently buried my mother over in Claypool's cemetary back in March.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`You know with all the people now visiting these web pages. it would appear that some don't cherish their part of the country. I grew up in Indiana, but ran away from home at age 13. been all over the country from up state NY to Corpus Christie, Navito, CA. And a lot of little whole in the wall towns between. I've learn to eat some things that would make your skin crawl and others that would make you turn your head. some were staple dishes. Manudo comes to mind.
I mentioned I was thinking of moving. In order to see if any one person out there was willing to talk about their town they live in doesn't mean I'm packing to get there right off. but instead not one person on this site is proud of their living conditions or their town. Guess I was shocked by all this. Sorry to have wasted your time!

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November 22, 2010
Posts: 1

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`I am on the pacific coast and I love it here. I have lived in Oregon for 35 years, and let me tell you if you can get past the rain it's the best place in the world. The air is fresh and the view is amazing. 2 hr drive to the mountains to go skiiing or snowboarding or just hang out in the snow. or 2 hrs to the beach where you can watch a beautiful sunset and walk up and down the beach with the water at your feet. I love it here

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May 30, 2009
Posts: 387

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`is that why you posted this exact same topic on trucker passions also fatuglyguy?It's none of my business but I was just wondering,is all.Also if I may ask one other question,in your profile it says ur bi or either gay,sorry I forget which, and you just said up there that you just buried ur wife of 20 yrs.My question is did you know you were gay before your wife passed?thank you ahead of time...................they call me the closer

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