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Holy f-ing GOD

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Holy f-ing GOD

I was walking back from the bank, when a car hit a homeless guy, and just hit him, his head hit the windshield and he flew in the air before he landed on the ground in the middle of the took him at least a minute before getting up...the lady who hit him, parked her car near by and ran toward him...everyone was in shock and like there was another woman in a car who stopped and called 911..I mean I was so shocked...I heard the bang sound and really saw him twist in the air...I stayed for a few minutes but there were alot of people with him and he was able to wobble back to the sidewalk, then blood pour on his face, not sure if its from his forehead or head...

I ended up not staying because well I didn't know what to do, and I'm not a paramedic so...but for a good 15 min I tried to keep myself from crying, I was that affected by this...

and some stupid cars were honking and complaining that cars were in the way, some woman came off the boss and was like cussing the car and I told her "Look someone just got hit by a car, don't you see the broken windshield?" and then she calmed down...

its just disconcerting to see people being impatient and like pissed off for no reason, and if you noticed it, its always drivers...never pedestrians...but on the flip side, the woman who hit him could have driven away but she didn't...and others came to prove that there are good in the world still

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Fortunately there are still compassionate people like you in the world (thank God)

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`I was on my way home from an important business meeting with a client in down town Phoenix, AZ. I was driving towards the outer fringe of the central corridor where I lived back then. Schools were getting out all over town and children where crossing at designated intersections. I was in the left lane of a major street we had just got the green light when out of the right side of my vision this kid bolts across the street right in front of me I lsammed on my brakes the car nose dived and the kid was launched into my widshield and then over the left side of the car into the road right in front of a cop car turning left. I grabbed my chest as I searched for the lid on the ground. he had jumped up ran towards the apartment complex and a bus stop on the right side of the street. I glanced at the ciop who waved me to the side of the road. after I calmed down I gave my statement to the cop, who said as a witness he couldn't comment as to what he saw but wrote what I said I then signed it and proceeded to head home shaking like a leaf. Later a SGT stopped by my house and stated that the kids was charged with causing the accident jay walking and a few other charges and then his father called and threatened me with fleeing a scene. just goes to show you can't be all things to all the people

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