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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Pictures..

Okay, so I have a huge peeve..

WHY do people use fake pics/not up to date? So there's this person, we were talking and says he's "white".. shows me a pic then a day later shows me pics of some asian guys. Now really, do you think i'm THAT stupid? I don't care if you're white, black, purple, orange, green, brown or any other colour you might be but don't show me pictures of SOMEONE ELSE and expect me to fall for it. It should be at least semi updated too. Nothing worse than seeing a pic and then camming with someone or sharing pics and they look COMPLETELY different, and I mean COMPLETELY. Share it or don't.. but don't lie, please.


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September 24, 2008
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`I agree, what's the point of trying to date online if you don't give a proper representation of yourself? The gig is up as soon as you meet the person (or cam). If you're only planning on talking and say so on your profiles, well, no biggie there, then, but otherwise, put up a proper pic!

I'm on plentyoffish as well, and there, I can kind of understand why a lot of bigger people would put up fake pics. Some people can be so cruel. Check out the forums sometime, if you use that site too, it's insane.

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March 8, 2009
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`I'll admit I made a fake profile once. It was to test out an idea of mine. I was curious to see what the profile responses would be if I kept all of the wording the same (from my real profile), but changed all the pictures to some pretty boy d-bag on my fake one.

Conclusions: I got way more hits on the fake profile within two weeks than I did on my real one in two months. People apparently like my personality, they just have a problem with the way I look. That's just depressing:(

I know this is not the reason everybody else does it but in my case I was just curious to see how many shallow conceited people there are out there.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`It's very sad and yes, I can understand it too. A lot of big girls and guys feel uncomfortable with themselves or know they will be the subject of some nasty comments but on a site like this especialy.. Don't lie! Like you said, if you're going to chat and have no desire to do anything else, fine.. I don't know.. it was quite disappointing and annoying!

It's sad that your experiment worked out like that, drklaw. Unfortunately a lot of people are very superficial =(

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March 8, 2009
Posts: 28

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`Well you don't have to worry about any of that with me at least on here pixxiestyxx. No fake profiles in sight. Besides, if I did have one I'd be way better looking! lol

And speaking of pet peeves, I really hate the growing prejudice against people that are overweight. Even in the slightest. Like that whole fiasco with Jessica Simpson a while back. Since when were bones sexy anyway? Give me somebody with some meat. Besides, I'm afraid I'd cut myself on all the sharp angles on a skinny girl:D

Sorry, that went a little off topic:)

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`LOL maybe, but I completely agree! It's always been 'wrong' to be 'fat'.. since when? What's wrong with some padding? At least it's more fun and better to cuddle with!! I love me some big ol' teddy bears to cuddle up with I even find on here.. there are some people who comment on how big or small people are.. saying you're not big enough or you're too small.. preferences are great but don't be rude!

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March 8, 2009
Posts: 28

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`Teddy bear huh? I've been called that. Though I'll be the first to admit I wish I was a smaller bear:) But hey, if people aren't going to accept me this way, then they're not going to accept me at all. And I like cuddling with padded people too. They're all soft and warm and squishy:D
But yeah, I can understand the preferences thing, people are picky after all. But how exactly are the people being rude? What are they saying?
Oh and just so everyone knows, if I'm ever rude to anybody, let me know. Just tell me to shove it or something. Really, I need the feedback:|

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Hahaha, squishy weeeeeeeeeee *squishes* XD

Well, I'm not going to get into details here but some people have to check themselves before checkin others. Rather than lying and posting ancient pictures they should really get themselves settled and be happy with who THEY are before they try to tell anyone else to be happy with themselves.

If that makes any sense at all :)

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March 8, 2009
Posts: 28

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`Yeah, I just really wanted to use the word squishy:) I like hugging and squeezing people with extra padding. Hard to do with strangers though since they tend to slap afterward:)
And I think it makes sense. I've known people that are like that. I think many times they are just bitter about things. Especially when they have people always criticizing them and not saying anything good to make them feel good about themselves. Which unfortunately seems like society is getting more and more one sided on that issue:S

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`I approve of this word.. squishy. *nods* XD

I really don't care. Some people are sucky.. they can go away from me and take their nasty --- comments with them too! Just, like, that!

Werrrd -.-

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March 8, 2009
Posts: 28

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`That sounds like something one of my friends would say. But for the life of me I can't think of which one! And speaking of nasty *ss comments, have you ever come across anybody that hated the movie Wall-e because of the big people in it? I came across some cheerleaders that were saying stuff like that and am really just hoping that was an isolated incident.

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March 21, 2009
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`OMG! Are you serious Drk. I have the movie Wall-E, but have yet to see it. I cannot believe that some people are so small minded and idiotic that they would not like a movie or person in fact just because they do fit their category of what a person should look like. Thank goodness my school didn't have cheerleaders.

Plus, thank goodness for all the people in my life, my friends have always been smaller than me and have always accepted me for the way I look. I have never been small, so I do not know what it feels like, so if you can overlook the weight issue that you have with me, then I am sure you might like my personality even more.

Hmm..feel like I am intruding on you two conversation.

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March 8, 2009
Posts: 28

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`Don't worry about the intrusion. Conversations all around!

But yeah, I had that same reaction when I heard that too. The ironic thing is, the cheerleaders that were talking were are a little, how can I put this, Rubenesque. Which I like anyway:) But if popular society got to them they would chew them up for not being these itty bitty stick figures.

Also if you watch the movie, the people aren't actually overweight. They just look that way because their muscle and bones have atrophied from years in space. Even astronauts in real life have to go through rehab to learn how to walk again if they spend a long time up there.

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former member default image - bird flying away

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That is all.

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March 8, 2009
Posts: 28

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`You know, spelled out that way it looks like half of evil!
But I think I could still have watched and enjoyed the movie even if it was just those two humming at each other. I liked the slow, use your imagination kind of pace at the beginning. Reminded me of the Korean "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring" movie. Which I would totally also recommend. It's very artsy and philosophical, with only like ten spoken words during the whole thing. Very relaxing.
Actually I want to go watch it now. I need some relaxation.

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