mixedlover910 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: In search of that special lady |
Hello ladies, have you ever been out with your friends and they pressured you to try talking to someone you didn't really talk to? Sadly it happened to me last night and it utterly destroyed what little confidence i had simply because they chose to tease me afterwards because i have a very big problem at being shy. I don't just want miss right now ya know? I want a woman who will love me respect me and actually notice all my great qualities, thus i created this profile in hopes that i might meet that certain lady. Or maybe i'll meet a few lady friends online that i'll be able to talk to on a regular baises which in turn may give me more expierence at talking to women because i've been out of the dating game a looong time lol.
Anyways if this topic interests you please feel free to comment or message me, either way i won't mind.