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Always hearing what a pretty face I have...

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Always hearing what a pretty face I have...

but what about my body? sometimes i wonder what itd be like to be thin..

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August 7, 2011
Posts: 6

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`Well, it'd be the same as you are now, just more expensive because thin-skin clothing is 'more fashionable.' Lmao, I don't have a clue. But I will say this much; after looking at your profile and trying not to get lost in those beautiful smiling eyes your body is keeping up with an ideal of beauty that should be more accepted.

Just that and think about this: if you were thin, would you be the same kickass person ya are now?

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`I hear the same thing but it just doesn't seem to be enough to have a pretty face.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`I grew up listening to my mother telling me I would be pretty if I just lost some weight because my face was kind of cute. Do you know what that does to a person's self esteem? For years, I lived in constant contradiction inside myself... Wow, my eyes are really pretty today... but no one can see it because of that roll on my stomach. This lipstick makes my lips look kissable... but no one can see it because of my fat butt... You just gotta kick it in its place. That extra roll on my stomach? Creates a curve to rival that of a Nascar track. That fat butt? Looks awesome in a pair of jeans. But what's better than any of that? Inside, the talk goes like this now... My eyes look really good today. And my new dress makes these curves dangerous My new lipstick makes my lips look kissable. And I feel like dancing.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`I used to be 6'0 and 110 pounds. I'd have to say the only difference was I was more flexible and could run a few miles. I actually had A BILLION TIMES more self esteem problems. After I gained 170 pounds, I stopped worrying about most of what people thought about who I was and was only fixated on my body image. Well, I've come to realize that if people don't like how I look to an extent that they don't want to see my personality, they're too shallow and are of poor quality in open-mindedness. I need someone with a mind as widely open as the skies. If they're that closed minded with body weight, imagine what else they disagree with! I for one think that your body, face, and personality, and drive are stunningly beautiful! Never stop being you and NEVER think twice about who you are! :D

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May 30, 2009
Posts: 387

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`exceptance begins at home when we are little people in need of security and stability and safety.When we don't get any of these things from those that are in positions to be of the greatest influence then we continually suffer degrees of self-degragation and at times self-loathing imho.It seems as though trying to get a foot hold on reality or our own little part of it, is so far from our grasp that floating around in outer space seems more excessible.We just can't get a hold on what we so desperately need which is exceptance because the one we really need it from the most is ourselves and ourselves just can't let go of the negativity we were assaulted with from early on and is now of our mindset.I believe that going through a deprogramming class would be very helpful to alot of us bbw's and bhm and ssbbw's and etc.I would also go as far as to comment that living within our own body class for a time would be extremely helpful in allowing us to stop looking at ourselves with such disgust if we can see that others are close to how we are in weight and height.The income stature has no bearing at this crucial stage imho.gbu all

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Ohhh gotta LOOOVE that one!

"All my life I've had to fight!" that mindset from seeping into my psyche. And I also have to be honest and say that I've tried to picture myself thin... and I think I can, but when I see her... THAT Toucher... I think "eeeww!"

I like big women... and suspect that if I were bisexual - they would be the ONLY women I would pursue. So when people say that to me... I just look back at them and say "Just like the rest of me!"


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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`I know i'm a lil late to this post, but i just joined
Anyway i too have heard this my whole life! Oh you have such a pretty face...if you just lost some weight. It's like wtf??!
I've learned to accept that i'll never be skinny because of my health problems, which made me gain the weight in the first place. I wish people wouldn't assume that not all big girls got fat from eating a box of ding dongs at once!

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