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BBW/BHM pet peeves
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June 11, 2007
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I have a few pet peeves. They have all been mentioned, but I thought I'd put my twist on things.
First off, I hate the fact that most booths in restaurants are made for skinny people. I have been to maybe 5 different places in my lifetime that the booths were actually big enough. FYI...Coney Island restaurants have the best booths!
Secondly, what's with the new style of hospital gowns?!? Have you BBW's and BHM's had the pleasure of wearing the PAPER gowns? Oh, lemme tell ya, they are just LOVERLY! LMFAO!! First, the darn thing doesn't go all the way around my big -----. Second, I love that I get automatic cleavage 'cuz the paper rips right at the "girls"! LOL!
School is a pain in two ways for me. First, I'm a lefty, and they don't make those desks for lefties. Second, no way in he** is my big butt and belly fitting in that little baby space.
Let's see, what else can I rant about? Oh, yeah! Carnival/Amusement park rides. Even if I can fit in one or two of them, it's still a HOT stuffed in like some sausage! (I bet some perves are getting a big kick outta this....easy, fellas! LOL)
Anyway, I am certainly proud of the woman I am, I just wish society would be as accepting. Take care, everybody! 8)

I never asked to be a princess, but if the crown fits....
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This is a great topic ... if a little bit depressing, LOL! I have all the same pet peeves, so there's no point being redundant.

I wish there were more open-minded people close to my area, too. Seems to be the way of things.

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I'm new to this site (actually I'm new to computers in general - never thought they'd catch on - who knew?) and am just sort of finding my way around...

Soo on the subject of peeves:

I hate when a child makes some rude comment and the parent just smiles at you and says, "Well, you know, kids are so honest" instead of saying, "hey that's rude - cut it out." I don't hate the child, I don't even hate the parent I just wish they'd correct them.

I hate that most catalogs or anything really that caters to large people always feature models who look like they might - MAYBE - be 20 pounds overweight... Come on! Are these really the people who are buying your product?

I probably have more but they don't come to mind at the moment - maybe I'll be back later.

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My Pet Peeves:

Being told by a skinny person that I am not fat

Being told by a skinny person "its not that bad"

Practicly no stores cater to bigger sizes. I end up giving up and buying a mens t-shirt from walmart with a sarcastic saying on the front because nothing cute fits.

Stores that do sell bigger clothes like Torrid for instance charging up the a** for everything they sell. Its not fair that if your skinny you can dress nice for pennies but us bbw's have 2 choices 1) Be rich enough to look great 2) Look like sh*t and feel like sh*t because we can't afford stores like Torrid.

Hearing skinny stars talk about how horrible it is for the modeling industry to push small sizes...When they themselves are a size 0 and probably havn't had cheeseburger since the middle school cafeteria.

Tyra Banks

Tiny Bathroom stalls.

Getting "looks" from everyone when I take a bite of my whopper.

I have so much more but thats enough for now.

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`I agree with the comment about catalogues that have tiny women modeling clothes that are supposed to fit me...hello, how am I supposed to know how that will look filled out by a woman with real breasts, a tummy, big hips and a big tush!!! And no a woman who wears a size 2 at most should not be modeling a mu mu.

I also hate how people seem to assume that if you are fat you are either "sweet" or funny. I hear sweet a lot...Yes I am a nice person, but there is more to me .

Having to ask for an extender on an airplane and the sacrid smile of the attendee who is trying desperatly to be politically correct and not stare at how painfully wedged in I am.

People who assume I am stupid because I am fat. Or even better a-sexual.

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Posted:     Post subject:

These are all great answers.

The one thing that I have come across with myself so often is ....either someone in my own family or when I met my ex's family...."'re a big girl! or you've gotten so big!"..........How RUDE is that!!???? First time I heard that I was stunned. Now I just say, yes..I have a mirror thank you, I don't need you to tell me. I was never heavy til after I had my children, I've lived both sides. I'm 5'8" and had always weighed between 128 to 138 pounds. But after my first was born..I had gained 100 lbs with him..shot up to 228..lost 60 of that..looked ok...but had my childs father telling me all the time how 'disgusting' i depression eating started. So shot back up..and now have been at around 260 for about 7 yrs. pet peeve is....people from my past've gotten so're sooo pretty..why don't you lose that? Well..maybe because I'm comfortable with myself now. My ex's Mother actually had the nerve to tell me...."If you would lose 100 lbs, I'll buy you a big diamond ring"........I didn't even really know what to say to that....I just thank you..I have my own rings. Also met a friend of his' Mother....first thing she said was, You'd be a knockout if you'd lose that weight. (and this woman was at least 60 lbs overweight)

I'm just completely at a loss for words at peoples' rudeness. When I was thin..I NEVER would have said anything like that to anyone..ever! I'd like to know how some of his family would have felt..had I said.."My God you're really should have some plastic surgery done!"

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Posted:     Post subject: BBW/BHM pet peeves

I know well the pains you all have described! I prefer to sit in booths in restaurants because the seat itself is more comfy, but I have to search for ones where either the table or seat is movable, because none are wide enough as-is. Chairs with arms arr always out of the question. Blood pressure cuff? Fuggedaboutit. They either have to put it around my lower arm or use the wrist thingy. My biggest peeve currently is going to the store. Kids pointing and saying "Mommy...look at that big lady! She's too big!" and "Mom, that lady is really fat!" are the worst. And my mom doesn't get why I hate shopping. Also, people who come up and want to tell me about how they've used Weight Watchers/Lap Band/Whatever to lose soooo much weight and how I should try it, too. Look, jack#ss, don't you think I would have done something like that if I could afford it?! I have no health insurance and a moderately paying job... I'm doing good to get by, no way I can afford some program or a surgery. The automatically giving me shotgun when I ride with someone sucks, too. And when I'm at the store, and I run into someone I know, and they want to chastise me because I have a bag of candy or some cookies in my basket.

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May 9, 2008
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.Having kids walking by looking at you like you've your some kind of monster and hiding behind their parent.. and hearing the parent say something like. "It's ok honey that is only a fat person" -.-
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Posted:     Post subject:

`Oh, I have a new one. The movie theater I just went to last night was HORRIBLE. The cup holders were on the arms of the chairs, so my --- got in but didn't want to come back out!! LOL. It was horrible.

I want to go to BBW Parties!!! Have any of you ever gone to one? I'd fly somewhere for that kind of stuff!

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June 11, 2008
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`These posts were great ...I literally laughed out loud hahaha...just some thoughts...

I miss riding rollercoasters....yes, we are fat...but it doesn't mean that every fat person is going to automatically go into cardiac arrest after a amusement park ride....

I totally avoid airplanes completely....I don't even need to deal with that embarrassment..

Kids....they are awful...and I'm a teacher...I hear something from someone atleast once a week...."She's big" and then I turn around and go "You're small. What is your point?"

I like getting shotgun...can't really complain there....

I think it's funny when I turn guys down and they look I should be thankful they came up to me in the first dare I turn them down...don't I know I'm fat? Yes, I do...but I still have my preferences...

I hate going to the doctor...everytime I hear...."Well, you know you need to lose some weight"....well, no s--- lol

Painting my toenails....that's a B----....I get it done,'s still a B----...

When waiters/waitresses assume you want Diet Coke lol....Yes....Please give me a Diet Coke with my Chesseburger special hahahaha

When people say "Where do you find these cute clothes?" because apparently, fat chicks are only allowed to wear frumpy, nurse like outfits...I'm freaking 25!

Ok, I'm done....feel free to talk to me sometime


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June 13, 2008
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`Hmmm! Let's see; I have had the little kids hiding and calling me everything from fat lady to Big momma. But, what I generally do is to stop to see how the parent is going to handle the situation, and believe me when I tell you that the parents of these children get more embarrassed than us. Sometimes, I have even talked to those children to tell them that they better be careful how they talk about people, because the same thing could happend to you.

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September 23, 2007
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`Hearing how pretty I am, yet being told I'm so sadly I'd really be pretty if I were skeletor. Like it minuses how attractive I am.

Attracting freaks that think my extra cushion is for theyre own pushin'. lol, I mean those slime ball guys that lay it on so thick and assume I'm easy just because I'm fat.

The term "Gone Hoggin".

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` Tyra Banks! What a great pet peeve!
being SHORT and fat makes everything even harder than just being fat

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September 24, 2008
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`"Painting my toenails....that's a B----....I get it done,'s still a B----... "

I've gotten around that by just getting pedicures! Plus they feel so great:)

I have never had much of a problem with comments, past grade 9 But lately, two separate occasions, 2 kids, about 9-12, make it their life's mission to call me a "fat B----". Absolutely no reason for it whatsoever, I didn't do a thing to these little pukes. My favorite was "hey, you know what?" I reply, "what's that?" "You're really f*cking fat!"

This is one reason I'm not a big fan of children. It makes me feel sad that they have such a lack of empathy, and this is not most children...but still. If I have a kid and it gets to me that they say things like that to people, they would be in for a damned good whuppin'.

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September 15, 2008
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`It's so cool to hear other people talk about the things I deal with! I agree with everyone's comments about restaurant booths, airplane seats, amusement park rides, etc. I have a sad story for you....

I went to Busch Gardens with my family, and I figured I was pretty safe from embarrassment on the Congo River Rapids ride. But NOOOOOOO!!!! The seat belt didn't fit, so I tried to inconspicuously hide the fact, but the ride nazi noticed. Imagine my humiliat... when I had to have an "extender," which she had to go get, thus holding up the ride, and bringing me to the attention of not only my family, but everyone else waiting in line. Oh the horror! I wanted to slink away and hide.


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