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Qualities and Insecurities

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Qualities and Insecurities

This is kinda a two part question I have for you guys..

1. What qualities do you like about yourself? They can be physical or internal or both.

2. What are you most unsecured about?

for me
1. That I'm tall, green eyes, perfect smile (Told by my dentist), make people laugh.
2. se---lly unsecured...

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Challenge accepted! I will answer your two part question with a two part answer.

Part 1: My favourite quality is my sense of humour
Part 2: I'm going to shock everyone and say that my biggest insecurity is my weight. Bet you didn't see that coming.

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September 22, 2011
Posts: 7

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`This is an easy one!

1. Green eyes, and the ability to make light of most situations.. Unless they just shouldn't be made light of.

2. My smile. :)

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October 7, 2011
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`1) My baby blues, my smile

2) my weight and my less than flat stomach.

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August 7, 2011
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`Haha, first post, and one I don't mind trying for.

A)1. The things I've been told are enjoyable most about me are usually my crazy smile and expressive eyes, how people always feel more secure and safe around me, and lastly how good I am making lasting impressions. Though that last one can be more a curse than a blessing, lol.

2. Always been insecure about my body (who isn't now-a-day?) and the fact that I'm very quiet spoken. I can be loud and proud, but in groups I tend to get lost because everyone else talks more loudly over myself. I suppose the one thing I'm most insecure about though people's opinion of me as a person instead of what I look like. Always worried I'll offend someone or over extend my thoughts and that it might make people uncomfortable....not that it stops me half the time, hah.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`1. I like my smile, mostly. I like my b--bs, mostly. I love my hair.

2. I still have some issues with my body. I hate my laugh.


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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`1. Physically, I like my height and my hair. Mentally, I like how much I want to learn (about everything and anything).

2. I'm not fond of my body, but that seems typical no matter what size you are. I also wish I wasn't so shy.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

1) Physically I love my hair, smile, eyes, um my face generally haha! I love my legs. And I like that my body is proportionate. Well, I believe it is. Mentally, I can easily get along with anybody. I try to be optimistic! I have also been told that I have a pretty voice.

2) I am very insecure about the fact that I have never had a boyfriend. Especially in conversation! I hate that sometimes I get spells of shyness. Physically, I could lose some weight. And for the most part, I don't like my breasts.

I think about number 1 more than number 2 btw!!

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Well this would be my first post, so lets give it a shot.

1) What i love about me is my humor and how i keep an open mind. Also i like my eyes, lips, and my booty
2) Like most of the population i'm not to hot about my body. It could use some work, but like i always say, you can lose weight for free, but ugly will cost ya

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May 30, 2009
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`1) I love the way I give everyone the benefit of the doubt. 2)I am insecure about .................. get back to you on this one

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`1) I love my sense of humour. I love to laugh at life in general and the stupid things we do. I'm also very open minded and a lot of fun. I think my eyes and my hair are probably my best physical attributes.

2) I don't like my smile, I'm very self conscious about it. Loads of people say it's beautiful but when I see it it looks horrible. My natural shyness can make me over compensate by being very loud (in my opinion) and I think too much. I over analyse everybloodything!

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December 3, 2011
Posts: 5

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littledreamer wrote: `1) My baby blues, my smile

2) my weight and my less than flat stomach.

So you're exactly what every guy on this site is looking for is what you're saying?

I like my height, my not-quite-exotic-enough-to-really-guess-I'm-anything-but-white look, and that my body tries to take care of me when I start neglecting it.

I'm insecure about just about everything else lol. My teeth aren't straight, I don't have the rippling abs that my build dictates I should have. I can only really guess at how good or bad I am in bed, or how I stack up to the average guy... I try to use humour to turn these insecurities to my advantage, but it doesn't always work.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`1) I like my sense of humor. I tend to laugh a lot even when I'm the only one laughing lol. I love how I don't take myself too seriously, but I am also very driven. I love my eyes (they're mostly green but I guess technically they'd be called hazel). I'm an intelligent girl and I think I'm one of the most understanding people I know. I also have grown to love my natural hair color so I haven't dyed it in 4-5 years. I like the shape of my body and my nice assets lol.

2) The only thing I can really think of physically that I would be "insecure" about would be my arms. I wouldn't say I'm extremely insecure about them because I don't constantly wear long sleeves or anything, but I guess I don't like how I have baby fat arms lol. In terms of my personality, I guess I don't like how I can bee too nice, even if someone is rude with me, but then again I'm usually that way because who knows why a person lashes out, they could be going through a hard time.

I hope everyone can overcome some of their insecurities like I have and still am overcoming, and love themselves completely. =)

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

1 like my personality, sense of humor, and honesty

2 HATE my looks/weight no matter how good a person i am..these will keep me alone

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