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 metalman69_PREV (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: Would being slender make you a good looking person? |
Again as always this is just my view point and others might agree or disagree. I feel beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but the vast majority of people you will encounter in North America find people to be attractive at an ideal weight or very slender(this is 85% or more the way people view things). I will say this much, losing weight will make you more attractive, but it does not guarantee that you will ever be considered mainstream beauty. There have been alot of times I had seen someone drop alot of weight and become very physically attractive, but at the same time I would also see their personality go down the toilet as well which then makes them am ulgier person than they where before. I also have seen people lose weight and get to their ideal weight and become no better looking because of their facial features or their bone frame(this does not happen often, but can in very little cases).
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 1whitekitten (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: Re: Would being slender make you a good looking person? |
metalman69 wrote: Again as always this is just my view point and others might agree or disagree. I feel beauty is in the eye of the beholder,
Hi add to your saying ..."Beauty is only skin deep...but Ugly goes all the way to the bone"...........
and from where I have been BBW are Beautiful all the way through...
slender doesn't make a person goodlooking......its inner beauty as well, that most slender women appear to forget......
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Joined: September 3, 2007
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`I've come to the conclusion that I'm comfortable with my size. I've seen a lot of unattractive thin people and unattractive large people. To me, anyone could be beautiful.
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 cocoaberryc_PREV (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`Hello Everyone,
This topic "Would being slimmer make you a goodlooking person?" is a year old, but since I just became a member I would like to reply. I use to want to be a certain size 124 pounds to be exact for some reason that was a magic number. I would be loved and accepted by all who laid eyes on me....well, I never got to that "magic number" and the longer I live the more ridicules that goal has become. Only in my old age have I realized that it was not my big body but my small mind that was the problem. Beauty, Goodlooks, Killer supermodel bods---why do we want it? For the sake of just looking good and healthy---maybe, but I think mainly because we want to be loved and accepted. If people would just love/accept you for who you are ---right now---you would not want or even care to look any other way. I look in the mirror and time and gravity painfully remind me that I'm not 16 anymore, but then I remember I was'nt too happy about my self when I was 16 either. I did not realize then how good I had it. Now I waste no time wishing for a body I will never have I have decided that if I live to be 116 years old I will not look back at age 45 and say wow I didn't know how goo I had it---because I do know how good I have it. Yes, I have dimples in the wrong set of cheeks and portions of me need a lot more support than they use too but I still smile at myself because it is me and I accept that--- fat and all. So....would I be goodlooking if I was slimmer, yes--- but the more important question is would being slimmer make me happier? No. I choose to be as happy as I can be right Now Sorry this is such a long reply
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 misscocobabygir (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`Well my outlook on body image is this... I am a big girl, but I also have a really gorgeous face and big breasts ok?... I do whatever I can to take care of my hair and face, and I dress nice and smell nice so that people notice the other things about me. Not to be concieted, but I have a really fun personality so I try to let that show. I don't think that being slender would make me pretty because it would just give men more reason to take advantage of me. If someone is man enough to say to me, "hey Jamilla, you are beautiful and I really like you," then I know that he really means it because that's what I am. I have flaws that society doesn't want to accept and making me slender wouldn't make me pretty just less secure.
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 hotmocha (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`I was listening to the radio recently and the djs were talking about size and looks. The all seemed to agree, that they would rather date an ugly girl with the perfect body, then a larger girl with a beautiful face. It was at that point that I realized that the djs were total idiots.
Like someone before me said, being thin will make you more mainstream, but it takes a lot more then a perfect body to be a really beautiful person. I feel a person can be less attractive, but if they have a great personality, they are a lot more beautiful then the person with the pretty face and sucky personality. Now with that being said, men are visual creatures and every man wants the beautiful woman (even if she has a sucky personality).
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Joined: June 11, 2009
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`I have seen some women who lose weight and become a "slender" body type and I was shocked at sometimes how much older they looked. IMO I would rather carry the few extra pounds and look younger. (I guess that's my age starting to show lol) I have also lost pounds in the past and although I don't think I was ever considered "slender" lol at a size 10/12, I actually have and had more dates when I was size 16....I don't know that I was more attractive at either size.
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Joined: November 18, 2007
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`I could never be slender. Even when I worked out to the point that I had a 6 pack, I still wore a 2XLT shirt. Hell, my bones probably weigh 100 pounds. :)
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 snoweydove1 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
I have been on diets all my life. and it sucked that I would loose a few and gain back more.
I do need to loose some of my weight for health reasons, but I am not gonna loose it to a point where I look like I could drop over dead. I would be happy with dropping 50 pounds. I still would be big but atleast I would be a little healthier.
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 emjane (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`There are different types of beauty. You all need to understand that. Being healthy is the key. And you dont have to be a size 6 to be healthy. Everyone should feel comfortable in there body. ITs YOUR body. No one can MAKE you feel insecure about yourself unless you let them. There is someone out there for everyone of us. And we should not have to change ourselves to conform to someone else. I love the way i am. And would not change a damn thing.
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 cherryleigh (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: Just my opinion |
I don't think weight is the end all and be all of defining who is beautiful and who is not... as cliche as it sounds inner beauty has a lot to do with it... confidence helps as well... as I've gotten older I find that I am more comfortable in my skin and I think that makes me more appealing... My weight has ranged from 125 - 265 and it never really made a difference. I was always awkward so I would never get a second date. Now things are different... I meet people and I enjoy interacting with them rather than worrying about what they may be thinking about my weight. Life is good...
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Joined: August 27, 2010
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`Ok. THis is the way I see it. Ive been a big guy since I was like 4. I used to face absolute ridicule in every grade of my small-town school system. I was brought up thinking "fat" was a slur against big ppl, and I guess in the way they used it, it was. Only when I grew up a little and got in high school did I realize that no matter your size or shape, you are who you are. The question is, do you let it make you bitter to the point of becoming someone else, or do you just be you? I made my decision a long time ago, and now Im proud to be called fat... because now I know Im not the only one. Also... ive been a musician since 9th grade, and I cant think of one fan of mne who has judged me on anything other than my music. I guess to the right people, size doesn't matter. But real talk... Ive always had a larger than average bone structuer and head... i dont think Id look right skinny. Id look like a bobblehead. lol
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Joined: May 30, 2009
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`Believe it or not,it took me having to move away from alot of negativity that had been dumped on me from day one,to even let my true self show.I like what I see when I look in my mirror now.Alot of folks say you are what you eat but I would like to change that a bit and say"you are what's eating you".It starts at home but it includes the school system as well as the doctors and it is prejudice with a name--fatism---it is just as harmful as racism and sexism.
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Joined: September 16, 2010
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Gosh, I was just thinking today, as far as beauty goes, you know how you can see a very pretty girl, of any size, but for the sake of this post, we''ll make her skinny, and it hurts she's so beautiful? But then she's rude to people and closed - minded. If you've ever met someone like this, did you ever notice that their outer beauty starts to fade when you see their true colors? Or it may be just how I percieve them.
But I would love to slim down. Health-wise and appearance-wise. But due to ridicule in middle school, I've developed an attitude of self confidence and whether I honestly felt confident or not, I put on that I was until I actually believed in myself for real and I didn't have to "Act". Then in early high school, I had to train myself to be nice and less judgemental of the "pretty/skinny girls and guys" when I realized that I was just as bad as whoever had judged me for being "fat" and I like to believe that my confidence and acceptance of everyone is what made me seem attractive to people. I mean, I had a slender/muscular, popular guy's attention, but although he was gorgeous, I couldn't stand that he wouldn't make me his girlfriend. He was embarrassed to call me his girlfriend because of his judgmental teammates, and then he had made some other girl his girlfriend but seen me in private because I let him, shamefully. I "loved' him. I had the last straw one night when I asked why he was with her and bothered being with me. He had the nerve to tell me that we were just friends (which wasn't what he was saying/doing before this point) and I told him that we weren't even friends at all and then there's no telling what he told his gf when he went to her but no matter how many people who knew about us told her, she couldn't believe that he'd cheat on her with a girl like me. Oops, I'm rambling. Sorry. Atleast my ramble was somewhat on topic.
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Joined: February 21, 2011
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`I on't be believe is the slender part that makes a person look good. Its the level of conifdence a person carries with them. Confidence is key to most things in life. How does a person expect to move on in life with no motivation and has a negative outlook in life. A big person can be big and also have the upmost extreme confidence and more so than a skinny person. From personal experience, I used to weigh 325 at 6ft now I weigh 195. My confidence has boosted ten fold. No one can tell me anything. Its like everything became clear once again. So when i was at 325 i didnt want to do jack shyt with my life. And i was an extrememly scary thought now that i think of it. But overall, confidence is what makes a person, in plain words, Amazing. :)
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