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Size and your career

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October 9, 2006
Posts: 29

PostPosted:     Post subject: Size and your career
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I've read many articles that say that bigger people are more likely to get paid less money than thinner people. My company is going out of business and I will be looking for a new job soon. I wondered if my size will actually hurt me in the job hunting process.

Do you feel that you are discriminated against by potential employers who may not want to hire an overweight person? Do you think that your salary would be higher if you were thinner? What are your feelings on the issue of your size versus your career and your earnings potential?

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August 14, 2006
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Sadly to say I've been in your shoes a lot in the last 5 years. Several employers have had hidden problems with my weight. One of the last was an air ambulance company that I worked for. One of the unmentioned "duties" was to help off load patients on stretchers. I refused as this was not in the official job description, and since I have a bad knee there was no way I'd run out on the tarmack to help off load a chopper! They nit picked till I was happy to not pass my probation. Currently I'm working for a wonderful boss who's so suportive of me it's almost painful. He's gone out of his way to rally support in the different departments I deal with. But I've offered him 150% of my support, working wierd shifts and covering when people call in sick with no notice.

So long story short...when you interview, dont be afraid to toot your own horn about the things you can do well. Then follow through and show them what a great employee you are.

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Posted:     Post subject: Size and career

I think the salary difference is a combination of possible (unconscious) size-discrimination on the employer's part, and lack of confidence on the applicant's part. Many fat people are likely to devalue themselves in all aspects of life. So they don't ask for the salary they should get. In this case you REALLY get what you ask for. A couple of jobs I kicked myself later knowing I could have gotten a few thousand more! I've also seen friends who are not fat, but insecure, take a lower salary than they should have. And ALL female.

Personally? I should be out looking for a more challenging job but I'm embarassed by my size and dread the day I have to go on an interview. I took the job I have now because I needed it after a layoff--I had worked there years ago and they were happy to have me return. The pay is good, but it uses about 25% of my abilities.

I'm in tech so there are no physical demands in my job--other than to sit on my butt all day! lol! If I got another job it would be in manangement, my forte, which would mean being confident and dressing to command respect. Not something I feel up to right now.

p.s. LOVE your questions, POP!

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Posted:     Post subject:

Unfortunately I think size is a factor in the workplace today...some perspective employers might think of the risk of health issues connected with obesity that could cause one to be unable to fufill the tasks required to maintain the position to be filled.
Fortunately for me ,my job is based on a clientele that I have built and as long as I am able to please the client,stand on my feet for eight hours a day...and keep them coming job is secure.

Just your mean and nasty somewhat sarcastic and blind senior citizen!!
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August 1, 2007
Posts: 8

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Luckily, I have never personally been the victim of size discrimination. I have always flourished at my jobs and my supervisors have recognized my abilities and rewarded me through raises and promotions. I suspect size discrimination in the work place exists but I think if you're a good employee, most employers can see past it.

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