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The Dr.Phil show from 4/6/10

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May 30, 2009
Posts: 387

PostPosted:     Post subject: The Dr.Phil show from 4/6/10
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This show has outraged me to no end.I usually don't watch this or haven't for some time and the show on fat debate from tuesday was a prime example why.I couldn't believe my ears nor my eyes.I won't go into any detail because I don't think it needs to be discussed any further.I will ask that all overweight people and their kids and if you can get them to cooperate,then also all your relatives to boycott his show.That's right don't watch it anymore.Dr.Phil claims to want to do what's right by people by telling the truth no matter what but this is enough.There is no truth about allowing the insensitive,degrading comments that were allowed by some of the panel.It made me sick literally.All this show did tuesday was to feed the bigotry and hate directed at overweight folks.I believe with all my heart that there needs to be a bill passed mandating the rights of large people and saying that no show nor individual may cause the direct or indirect abuse of a large person whether intentional or not by the verbal assault on their body.We are not second class citizens and should not be treated as such.Noone pays my rent but me.Noone buys my clothes but me.Noone has the right to dismiss me as an individual because I don't conform to the barbie mentality and on that note I also call for a boycott against the barbie manufacturers until they build a doll for the bigger girls and boys as in a g.i joe doll that isn't buffed to the max.Also no large person should get on any airline or buy any tickets for family members and the airline that made such a big deal about buying two seats for large folks(southwest) should not recieve any more business from any large person or their relatives.We can take buses.If you are fed up with this nonsense then sign up here and take the pledge to uphold these boycotts until we see change....Gbu all.......p.s I don't know how many of you watch the news but on something like cnn they had a man on there that was talking about making it against the law to be overweight.Now you tell me if there are those that are given airtime to say such things as this then how long do you think it will be before what they are asking for is given?No bill has been passed that first wasn't brought up before congress by someone who was feed-up with the mistreatment of loved-ones or of personal property.I saw this man while I was waiting on someone in the dr.s office!Your noticed everytime you go outside.Now be heard,take a stand,if not for yourself then for a loved one that you know has suffered because of this barbie and g.i joe mentality.Noone has the right to tell you how big you can be,do they?Ask yourself what will happen if such a bill is passed about not being overweight?Will this incite these hate-filled people to take action?What kind of action do you think will ensue?Will you be publicly ridiculed and degrated even moreso then you are now?Will someone actually get attacked?Everyone I know and have known has at least one overweight person in their family.That should be reason enough to want to stand up and say enough.You can do this just believe in yourself the way I believe in you.

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June 25, 2010
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`This is what our media does to us. It tears us down so we'll be desperate enough to invest in their dieting schemes.

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`Ok but what was the show about, what waa dr. Phil's position? Why would we boycott a show without an objective view of the situation?

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May 30, 2009
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`hi seikyo I think you can pull it up on youtube with the date I have listed here.Please do check it out for yourself and I'm sure you will be just as disgusted as I am but if you aren't then that's ok too.gbu

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Posted:     Post subject:

`I'm not aware of the content of the show exactly, so I can't really comment in response to that.

I will say that yes, it is /your/ choice to do what you want with your body. I agree wholeheartedly. Obviously, I agree the media perpetuates a standard aesthetic that we are all supposed to conform to, and, why should we. No complaints with that.

Mandating the rights of fat people, though. I think is tricky. I am in a hundred per cent behind the concept of free speech. I know, I'm an idealist, so shoot me. I take issue with this in so many ways. Just for starters... such a bill would be impossible to enforce. And your description is at best vague.. indirect or direct abuse? Intentional or unintentional? That's a little draconian, and what constitutes as abuse? Don't people have the right to express their views? Furthermore.. in some ways it would do far more harm than good. You're essentially segregating fat people, and that would undoubtedly breed contempt. Singling fat people out.. making us like a race or something.. it's not helpful. And, if you're going to make 'fat rights', what about skinny rights? It may not be quite as common, but I've heard many spiteful comments directed at slender girls. My sister-in-law is incredibly slight, and has had no end of comments like "Don't you EAT?" or implying that her small chest size makes her manly, or less of a woman. You can't control what people say. People are bullied based on a multitude of factors, and though it isn't right, it's moreso the bullying mentality that needs addressing, rather than protecting a specific set of targets.

You also mentioned fat people not being charged extra for airline travel... I've addressed this before I believe in a previous thread, but for restatement, and
for the purpose of this hypothetical.. let's assume the person is fat by 'choice'. If you make a choice to be big enough to require two seats, then what's the issue with paying for them? Companies aren't charities...

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September 24, 2008
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`I don't think we should have any different rights either. The only thing I would consider is if there was violence...but even then, it would fall in the regular crimes, not a hate crime, really.

Regarding airplane seats, I think if they're going to just look at you and decide that you need two seats, it shouldn't be unreasonable that they have "seat models" off to the side or in another room. If your tush goes over the seat, you pay for the second seat.
I don't have a ton of money, flying is definitely a luxury. I don't have enough cash to spend out because someone "thinks" I might be too big for one seat.

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May 30, 2009
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`I'm not aware of the content of the show exactly, so I can't really comment in response to that.....I don't mean to be a stick in the mud persay but the topic is about the Dr.Phil show that aired on 4/6/10 so after you have viewed it then perhaps you may wish to alter your statement a little but if you don't then no harm,no foul.I did mention in the bill part about abuse not about someones opinion.I would like to think there is a difference.If you've never suffered abuse then that is wonderful but there are plenty that do and I for one will not be silent nor try to act as if it isn't as bad as it seems because it is.Hate crimes differ from someone giving an opinion also wherein they do not involve contact of any physical nature but hate crimes do.Again I would like to think the difference would be evident.Now I will say that the bill part was my opinion but nevertheless could very well be put to paper and to vote with a little critiquing which is exactly what we pay our senators and legislature to do i.e give voice to the wrongs being directed at people,places,or things.With any and all regards thank you for your opinion and may gbu......,,,,,,,p.s Please let me add one more thing and that is that in my original post I added at the bottom about a news interview off of cnn while in a dr.s office,about a man that was trying to get a bill passed about charging a fine to any and all overweight people,did you think I added that part for humor?You are on a large passion site,why?Why did you decide to try to tear down my idea of a bill but yet you gave no opinion about the bill already in the works about charging overweight people for being overweight?If you don't believe it happened then go to youtube and pull up cnn news shows and then be specific about what the guy was talking about or just go to the cnn website itself.This show aired between april of this year and june of the same.Either way understand this and that is that I am on a website for large people talking about something that affects large people,this other guy was on national t.v for all to hear and see.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`@southernfinery: I addressed the comments in your post that weren't in direct relation to the Dr. Phil show, hence I prefaced my post with "I won't comment in response to that".

I actually asked in my post, what constitutes as abuse? I'll restate this question, in the hopes that maybe you'll answer it this time. You mention it a lot, and say you suffer at the hands of it, but I'm still a bit unsure on /your/ definition. I'm really interested as to what you've suffered that you consider a hate crime. People have made comments about my weight, yes. Pointed out that I'm fat.. yep.. made jokes about my weight.. yeah. To be honest, though.. for one, I really, really don't care. My self esteem isn't reliant on their opinion of me. I'm also a little confused by the amount of people who claim to suffer 'abuse', who have stories of being made fun of for their weight, but then also preach the 'fat and proud' attitude. If you're not comfortable with your weight, that's a personal issue. You have hangups about your body.. fine.. but don't then go on to try and say a bill should be implementing your rights as a fat person. If I had a HUGE nose, or and suffered 'abuse' for it, do you think it's fair for me to try and get a bill passed to prevent people from abuse? As I said in my original post, it's not about mandating our rights as fat people, but about working to change the general mentality that it's okay to act in that way.

The reason I didn't address the comment in your post about something you'd seen on CNN, is that I believe mainstream media is for the most part a joke. I don't pay attention to mainstream News because it very often contains inaccurate and sensationalised content.

As for "You are on a large passion site, why???". My being here doesn't mean that I am obligated to go on a crusade for fat rights in any way, shape, or form. If you choose that as your own personal mission, please go right ahead. It's natural for some people to be in disagreement, and honestly.. many people would be far more uncouth than I was in expressing their opinions.

You seem upset that I responded in the way I did, even though I began by saying that I agreed wholeheartedly with your own right to do whatever you want with your body. Did you just ignore that entirely?

@sheeva: I agree, and yes it should not be something based on simply whether you look too big. It isn't fair to just take one look and say, yup, your --- isn't getting in that.

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May 30, 2009
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`@obsequeim I will try to be as tactful as possible.You did not respond to anything in my post but you are grandstanding for some purpose which escapes me at the moment however please feel free to read each line carefully before you jump headstrong into a rebuttal.It will aid in your convincing others of your sincerity.Since it is more then apparant that you didn't read it carefully I won't respond anymore to you about it.I refuse to be drawn into a conversation or exchange wherein one party is not up to date on the subject.No worries though you still have your health.I stand by my original post and just for the sake of making one sentence even easier to understand-- when I mentioned the part in my second post about folks being abused I did not ever mention or imply it was me who was abused.Also one could say and it has been said that alot of fence sitters will try to always plead both sides,it's just according to who their latest friend is.....p.s your nose is big but you need to find at least one other with at least the partial length of yours before you can say it isn't just directed at you(the snide remarks thatis)GBu

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Posted:     Post subject:

`@southernfinery Although I can't say I'm entirely surprised by your post, I am a little shocked that you are so utterly defensive, and have let this thread devolve into childish ad hominem attacks. Whilst you seem reluctant to accept this, I did not personally attack you, I simply offered my opinions which happened to be contrary to your own. I'm sorry that you are unwilling to open your mind to the perspective of others. It's unfortunate.

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`*eats some popcorn* is this really going on on a forum? wow

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September 24, 2008
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`Southern, daayyyyummm lady, easy does it. lol. I think there's just some misunderstanding in this thread. Let's retract our claws a bit though, there's no need for it. We're all adults here, right?

You were mentioning boycotting Dr. Phil because of what was going on in the show, but refused to give any further detail about it. We can't much go off that if we don't have any further info. I personally think Dr. Phil is a douchebag anyway, and don't watch his show to begin with, so I'm not going out of my way to hunt down the ep or transcript.

As for our rights. There are always going to be jerks who think we should be burned at the stake. Same goes for race, gender, s----l orientation...or huge noses:P
Personally, I think if there were more laws for fat people, they would have every other group jumping up and down for them as well. Not only would that be insanely confusing, it would end up in stupid "crimes" and even more petty lawsuits. When the court system would be better off prosecuting murderers, racists, child ors and the like, instead of the arse that yelled "Moo!" out his car window at me.

Also, I think it would generate more dislike of fat people. We do have a difficult time within society sometimes, already. I don't think slim people would be more understanding, I think a lot would get pissed and find sneakier ways to hurt and belittle us. Moreso now that we can run to the law crying about every little thing.

Wow, look at me ramble on, sorry about that:P. I think I got it all out though. Feel free to discuss! I can take it! :-D

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Posted:     Post subject:

`*tapp on the back* I'm glad you let it all out XD ... Dr. Phil has freedom of speech like everyone does and asking us to boycot him without giving any details and telling us to go on youtube feels like a waste of time, it won't make people smarter, objective or better about themselfs.Why make a subject all agressive and stuff, be as vague as possible and ask people to go the same way you do and when being contradicted be defensive? Peaace(^*-*^)

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May 30, 2009
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`oh please being vague huh.You couldn't derive any meaning from any of the things listed in my original post?I was going to put the subject here and actually had but I came to my senses and erased it.You see I have the sneaking feeling that if I did list it some would still not comprehend it so what's the use!Since you never go on youtube just to see whatever you want to see like makeup tips or what's the newest in outfit according to vogue or how to keep your man satisfied and get a second date according to cosmopolitan then by all means please don't take the time to look at something that may affect the next generation which may include your children.No No don't even give it a second thought and while your not giving it any attention(the show thatis)please feel free to air out your mind on another forum post.Make sure to pass on the good word of how I attacked YOUR forum post without taking the time to even pretend like I was interested in forming an educated opinion.I forgive you however and I wish you all the best........................... DON'T HATE ME BECAUSE I'M BEAUTIFUL.....N E X T..........If this makes you think even less of me then I can only say"is that even possible"?No one likes being attacked verbally especially because of such shallowness as envy or jealousy because that root will show through.I am going on close to 50 yrs old and I won't apologize because God showed me mercy in my latter years.If your coming fresh off the farm fresh as a daisy and popping like hot buttered corn on an iron griddle then GBU but don't hate those of us that are coming into our hotness halfway through our lives...

Last edited by southernfinery on Mon Jul 12, 2010 12:28 am; edited 1 time in total
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`Wow, your whole text just made you sound like you're pretentious, it' s sad because you defend your ideas with agressivity and acting like you hold the truth.And I'm sure most people on here listen to more than tutorial videos on youtube, you don't need to act like you're so much mature, you don't need to prove it to us... I'm guess you're just trying to prove it to yourself. And that last phrase...what a lack of class

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