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BDD - Body Dysmorphic Disorder

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January 5, 2005
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If you are dealing with BDD, please share how it affects you, and your interactions with others.

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March 1, 2008
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.Not Really Sure!
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.more to love
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Posted:     Post subject: Re: BDD - Body Dysmorphic Disorder

feedback wrote: If you are dealing with BDD, please share how it affects you, and your interactions with others.

I dont know if its BDD or low self esteem. Im a ssbbw 5'11" 324 and although ive been told I have a beautiful face which I do appreciate and believe Im sometimes extremely self concious about my body I am apple shaped which means I carry all my weight up top in my chest and belly. I have smaller legs thighs and my bottom isnt very round. Most clothing is made to compliment the more porportioned Pear shape and hour glass figure. I notice that alot of BBW and SSBBW admirers enjoy the full thighs hips and bottoms, and it makes me question my physcial beauty. Also when im with someone I refuse to let them see me nude my last relationship it took almost a year, and I dont really enjoy being touched. I know that this leaks through even though I try to pretend I have all the confidence in the world. I often wear clothes that are large in the bottom to give the apperace that I am porportioned. I know this all sounds very stupid but this issue does have a very large negaticve impact on my life and my relationships and I wish there was some way I could feel differently about my apperance. I hard to feel like there is this wonderful person screaming to get out but may be over shadowed by my physical apperance. Again im not sure if this is BDD or just low self esteem. But thats my story.

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`I am 5'9, 290 (went down 70 pounds) and carry most of my weight on my belly. Dunno if you call that a pear, apple, apricot or a hourglass... and even though I have lost weight, in Puerto Rico my size is called darned fat and undesirable not to mention ugly. (Mind you... to me, my body shape is a cute extra full apple-pear and I think it's darn nice, shapely and feminine. When I went to size 18 I looked like a pear... a looooong time ago... ^.^) From my POV, round buttocks are overrated... since I dont have lots of those... I have a nice rack and wide hips, soft skin and good complexion, since I can not talk about a beautiful face. Just concentrate about the nice aspects of your body and let the other parts take care of themselves. I was extremely body self conscious... until my last bf (7yrs ago) showed me with his actions that he was more than happy with his lot in the relationship. If your partner is happy who are you to complain? You dress to look your best... Your body is your envelope, but the important part is your soul. You have to learn to love yourself bit by bit... It has taken me years to be able to look at myself naked in the mirror without shame. Now I can almost say enjoy it. I still have a long way to go before I can honestly say it can turn me on... but I am working on it. Its my goal. I refuse to let others dictate how my looks will affect my spirit. Physical appearance is inside your mind. Dont let outsiders control what's inside of you. The innerscape belong to you.

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.i am proud to be part of Large Passions, Millionaire Passions and Russian Passions.....
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May 27, 2008
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`BDD mostly hits anorexics, and bulimlemics, they tend to see a much larger person than is actually there. It belongs with the disorder.

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June 7, 2008
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`BDD frustrates me almost daily. I have no idea what my body "really" looks like from moment to moment. Most times I see it as much larger than it actually is, but sometimes I see my body as smaller than it probably is. I just don't know. It's challenging (but possible) to accept my body for how beautiful it is as it is, when I can't figure out what it looks like. Staring in the mirror, comparing my photo to others, none of it seems to work. In my pursuit of my own size acceptance, I've repeatedly searched for images of women my height and my weight, but I can't relate my body to theirs. "Adipositivity" is a great site for beautiful images of all sorts of larger women and I find myself constantly going, "is that me? is that? are those my hips? or those?" It's frustrating to want to, but not be able to, see yourself as you are.

And it's not just weight or shape. I've recently been shocked to see a photo of me standing next to someone I was 100% certain was a foot taller than me and discovering that she is a good couple inches shorter in the photo (both of us in stockinged feet). Of course, my brain turned it into "I'm so tall; I look like an amazon!".

I'm 5'4". Pretty sure I'm not an amazon.

In spite of this, I'm surprisingly genius at packing car trunks! So spacially, I rock. Except when it comes to me. In which case, I just plain rock. ;)

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`Perhaps BDD is a symptom of something else !? ASA.

Acute Self Absorption :P

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June 13, 2008
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`I know that I have BDD, and I am far from anorexic. I can look in the mirror daily, and I don't see myself as others see me; I think that I am considerably smaller than I am. Now, I am 440lbs., so small isn't even in my REAL vocabulary, but confident, yes. I could whine and moan about being my size, but if I do, I might miss out on something. I am very honest and open, and I would be kidding you and myself if I said that I don't have problems due to my weight. I am not as flexible as I would like to be; men tend to be intimidated by my size; I have sciatica, and I cannot walk as far as I would like at times.

But, now here is where the truth comes for me. When I take a picture, I cannot believe that I am as out of shape as I am. That is not saying that my size is the shocker, it is my body being out of shape. You can be fat and still be in shape; no, it is not an oximoron, people can be shapely and and toned while being fat. I am shocked when I look at my pictures and see what a difference of 1 year without swimming made for me.

I may have BDD, but I can live with that; I just can't live without ice cream.

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June 22, 2008
Posts: 7

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ssbbwnj wrote: feedback wrote: If you are dealing with BDD, please share how it affects you, and your interactions with others.

I dont know if its BDD or low self esteem. Im a ssbbw 5'11" 324 and although ive been told I have a beautiful face which I do appreciate and believe Im sometimes extremely self concious about my body I am apple shaped which means I carry all my weight up top in my chest and belly. I have smaller legs thighs and my bottom isnt very round. Most clothing is made to compliment the more porportioned Pear shape and hour glass figure. I notice that alot of BBW and SSBBW admirers enjoy the full thighs hips and bottoms, and it makes me question my physcial beauty. Also when im with someone I refuse to let them see me nude my last relationship it took almost a year, and I dont really enjoy being touched. I know that this leaks through even though I try to pretend I have all the confidence in the world. I often wear clothes that are large in the bottom to give the apperace that I am porportioned. I know this all sounds very stupid but this issue does have a very large negaticve impact on my life and my relationships and I wish there was some way I could feel differently about my apperance. I hard to feel like there is this wonderful person screaming to get out but may be over shadowed by my physical apperance. Again im not sure if this is BDD or just low self esteem. But thats my story.

I just wanted to reply to this story. I understand the pain and frustration that you feel. But you can't get down on yourself I know its hard but you need to be strong. One thing I have noticed about people in general is that everyone is self concous about there bodies. Case in point I used to be friends with a man who was 112 lbs. no matter where this guy went he was getting dates left and right and he would turn them down! He was always afraid to take his shirt off in public which I thought it was funny because he was ripped like a basketball star! Plus I was 390lbs at the time and I refused to wear a shirt. But anyways my curiosity peaked and I asked him about his "shyness" and he said that he was too skinny! All his life he wanted to be over 200lbs but could never gain an ounce! unfortinatley he took his own life because he was unable to except himself just because of his weight. You have to love yourself before anyone else can love you.

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