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Just joined and FINALLY a place to tell the truth!!!!

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Just joined and FINALLY a place to tell the truth!!!!

We all look to magazines, movies, or television to tell us what is beautiful. Very few actresses or actors are chosen to represent larger people because society makes us feel undervalued and we are told in no uncertain terms that we are not worthy to be portrayed as anything other than the "fat friend" or the "funny one" but at least we have all the great one liners.
I am fed up with all the hype about the perfect hollywood. I am fed up with excersize videos with 15 hard bodies all jumping around telling me "COME ONE...YOU CAN DO IT". I am tried of fat people haters trying to convince the public that it is our fault because we can't control what we eat or because we won't excersize.
Well, I say, SCREW YOU!!
I am here, I have a voice, I am loving and I know I am loved, I am intelligent, decissive, understanding, compassionate kind of person that ANY man should feel blessed to have me in his life. And for a good man, I would also feel blessed.
I have listened to so many men cry and whine because their beautiful perfect girlfriend did them wrong, or their arm candy wives cheated on them.
Men, take to arms. GET YOU A FAT GIRL. Trust me, we will love you and take care of you. And be grateful to be treated like the queens we are and should be respected as such.
For those of you that are not a bbw or bbg, here is a view into what is some of our pain.
All those nights when you crawled into bed, put some slow sad music on and cried yourselves to sleep wondering why everyone else was getting the wishes that you wished. You were wondering if life was worth all the trouble. You were watching all of your friends giggle over all the boys that were chasing them. You were taking messages to your friends because all the boys new you were the way to the good looking girls you ---- out with.
Just once, wouldn't you have liked someone to approach your friend and ask for you number?
Well, no more complaints from me! I am close to mid thirties and tired of looking in the mirror and knowing that everyone else is lying to me. I am BEAUTIFUL. And so is anyone else that can look in the mirror and KNOW who you are, where you are going, and that when you get there you will be a better person for the journey.
Chin up ladies and gentlemen, life only gets better. Accept the love of a good friend. Hold the hand of a person in pain and cry with them. Laugh at all the good jokes, especially the dirty ones (not some little laugh either, but those big belly embarrass your family type of laughs). And dance as the whole world is your personal stage. And if some silly skinny girl tries to upstage you...put some hip into it and knock her off the stage!!!!
Let's band together and get more people on this website and finally find ourselves a home with the ability to FINALLY SHARE THE TRUTH!!!
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January 29, 2005
Posts: 9

PostPosted:     Post subject: Very Well Put
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Hello Songlily:

I totally believe in all you wrote. I think it was great that you just joining here, reaches out and grabs the bull by the horns. This takes one hell of a good woman to do. We may not be perfect in some other's book, but we are perfect to ourselves first. We are only as good as we feel. Thanks for joining.. (( River))
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Good topic.

Your forum has alot of valid points to it, but everything is not what it seems to be. You were saying how people hate you because your fat in life. I grew up during to 80's, back them it was alot worse than it is now. I remember when I was in high school my senior year I weighed 240lbs and was 6 foot 1 inch in height, that was not that overweight. Because of my size I could not even get a date to my senior prom. The people that were considered attractive back then were people that were average or skinny in build. I do better now with women then I did back then and I weigh 282lbs now. I feel people have accepted overweight people more in the past 15 years than ever before. Just because you're overweight does not make you an ugly person. I know many man that love women that have size to them. As far as the media is concerned, I see alot more overweight celebrities then I did 10 or 20 years ago. I think you did come up with a great topic and I wish you the best of luck in your search for that special someone.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

metalman69, thanks for your feedback and I agree that things were more difficult in the 80's when we were in high school, however, one thing I keep wondering is if you asked every single girl in your school to your prom? I can't believe there was not one girl that would have loved to go to a school dance if she had just been asked. Even if for nothing more than being someone's many girls to you think sat home because someone didn't ask them? Just a thought
riverofhope05, also, thanks for your kind words.
Continuing on with the truth, someone just today, once again told me how cute I am "in the face". Ya know what folks....this is one of those slapback compliments....while it is meant to be kind is just slaps you back to reality of what others really think.
Here's my truth...I get up every morning...look in the mirror..and tell myself how beautiful I am. It goes alittle something like this:
"OH MY, you my dear are looking absolutely stunning today" or "It just don't get any prettier than this!"
I don't need to put someone else down to make ME feel better. I am already better for having loved and been loved!
Keep those replies coming guys!!
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Thanks for the reply.

Again you do have a valid point. What I had said was only half of the story. Back in high school, as my screen name says, I was a metal man. The problem with putting yourself in a catagory is you limit yourself on who you deal with and back then almost everyone did that. The main problem with people in the metal scene were they were very shallow. I had friends in that scene, but the women in that scene were not attracted to men that had a weight problem. Because of this every single woman that I had asked to the prom turned me down, even the ones I did not go to school with. I have learned alot since then and if you have not already read my forums please do so, that way you will get a better idea of where I am coming from. Maybe this is why heavy metal died years ago because of the concededness behind it.

P.S. If you do read my forums please leave feedback, i value everyones opinion on what I write good or bad.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Amen Sista!! It was harder back in the 80's and we have come a long way since I was in highschool but we do still have to stick together and show the world just how great we are! Thanks
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June 13, 2006
Posts: 8

PostPosted:     Post subject: This sucks
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I would have to say it still sucks into the new millenium. I'm 20 and I graduated High School in 2004. In all of this time I've never even once gone on a date, gone to a dance or party, or even had a girl not treat me if as I were a leper. It's going to suck for everyone until this perfect idealism of beauty is crushed at the core. If someone blew up Hollywood I wouldn't miss it a bit. Its true I talked to girls in High School and became friends with any of them who would give me a chance to let them get to know me at all. And as thier friend I would always listen and try and give positive feedback and reinforcement whenever I could, it wasn't like I ignored anyone though sometimes they ignored me. But not a d@mn one would have even considered going on a date with me. Why? Well he!! I don't know. Even the one I really liked and was really good friends with was more interested in this stoner who's brains were mush from smoking enough pot to kill Cheech and Chong 12 times over. That's one of the main reasons I'm so freaking depressed. It makes me continue to dwell over and over on those times so that maybe I can find that flaw or flaws that made so people repulsed by the very idea of me or just plain hate me. My friends could not believe that I had never even gone on a date. But I told them that the person I am doesn't matter if no one is willing to find out who I am.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

I am new to this site as well, finally someplace I feel I fit in.
I like it here, this place makes me feel good about who I am,the people here are like me,and accept me for the person I am not what my outer shell is.
I feel God has made us all individuals, no one is the same , wether it be in size, color, origin, we were all made individually,and in his eyes we are perfect.
If you love yourself,perhaps others will love you also.
I wish you all luck on finding that someone special, you deserve all the love your hearts can hold!
God bless and Good luck!
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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: New to site

Hello Everyone!

When I saw this site, I jumped up and clapped my hands. FINALLY a place for us big beautiful people!!!! I agree with the postings here and wanted to put my 2 cents in. I care about what is on the inside of a person than the outside for feelings and emotions are more important to me. I'm attracted to a good heart, a tender soul, and a lover of life. I hope to make new friends and for my soul mate to find me. Take care everyone and thank you for allowing me to speak!

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January 13, 2008
Posts: 23

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Songlily.....You Just Go Girl! ***two finger snap snap***

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