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how can you tell if they are just skinny or druggies?

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May 30, 2009
Posts: 387

PostPosted:     Post subject: how can you tell if they are just skinny or druggies?
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ok stop laughing lol because I'm serious about this.I have noticed something odd and that is that the young folks are getting skinnier and skinnier and alot of them are supposed to be naturally big boned.I saw a young man the other day that I felt so sorry for.He was so thin that the pants he had on looked liked the only thing holding them up was his belt.The first thing I thought was please eat something when I saw him.I honestly think alot of the problem nowadays with all this severe malnutrition is drugs.There are designer strands of different drugs being made daily.I mean you can tell alot about a person from their eyes like are they high or just tired.Some are eating and eating but not getting bigger because their metabolism is racing so fast from the uppers they've done.These uppers can and do come in all forms like crack which is cocaine and is speed in a megadose.These strands are so habit forming that they make smoking cigs. almost comical.I am just wondering why the need for such bad stuff?What is going on with our young that they can't tolerate a day hardly without getting some kind of high?The inhalants that some are doing is burning holes in their brains at the very second they snort them and is probably killing the very part of their brains that registers danger to where they become like horses meaning they have no understanding.They don't register danger and so they will go off a cliff if they are lead to.What is going on in our society that we are bringing up generations of almost braindead people?Where do you see our nation or better yet our own families future years from now?Please don't tell me that the epidemic doesn't affect your family because if you have any kin in any school or working in any environment then you have the potential of becoming a statictic(oops spelling).Are the children being raised by braindead t.v's and braindead computers so they feel the need to not bother even trying to understand any emotion as it arises?Is that why the need to numb the brain and the body is apparent in the drugs being used and how there being used?Is society so hellbent on making our nation the skinniest that they will do it at the cost of minds and health?I have seen news broadcast upon broadcast of the epidemic of obesity facing our nation but I say we have another epidemic that is far worse then any fat body.Please share your thoughts respectfully and may gbu all

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October 1, 2009
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thank you for your post southernfinery it is true and a big problem that no one realizes.

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`yes it is i my self lost 20 lbs in like 4 weeks but come to find out my liver and kidneys are bad and no its not some sexul disease my daughter is on the transplant list now i have the meds i need im back to 169lbs and feeling great there are ways to tell like if they have nice things like rings and watches and even as lil as a phone do they sleep all day and up all night do they work and do they eat thats why i dont date skinny woman most of them act like if they have more then water and salad they will explode just my take on things

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`true, it seems that everyone's drugged up and the stars the young ones watch seem to be on the same become that they'd rather take drugs and lose weight than be themselves...which doesn't solve the problem, just changes it...

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May 30, 2009
Posts: 387

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`exactly you guys and thank you for your posts.I have grandchildren coming up in this world with our war-torn social entrapments beaming with judgemental,self-loathing,prideful,vain,and emotionally deprived individuals.May God have mercy on our souls.gbu all

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