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What are your body issues
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October 9, 2006
Posts: 28

PostPosted:     Post subject: What are your body issues
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Do you have issues with how you look or are you fine with it? How do you really feel about yourself?

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Posted:     Post subject: RE: body issues

I have been a big girl my entire life. I hear alot of women say they are big women and they are proud of that fact. I am not proud of the fact that I am a big woman, but I am proud of the fact that I am a beautiful woman who hasn't let her weight hold her back.

I have learned to accept who I am, but there are still things that I would like to change about myself. My floppy arms are a great example. I think dealing with my weight my entire life has shaped who I am as a person, and my acceptance of other people. These are things that I wouldnt change for anything, but I would like for my body to be more healthy.

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October 9, 2006
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I agree with Keri. I am comfortable with who I am. I am happy with the way I look and happy with who I am, but I'm not happy with the fact that I am big. There are many big women who will say they are healthy despite their weight. I never had any issues till recently. I think that at some point it's only realistic to say that it will catch up to you. I am working on losing some pounds, but I want to lose it to be healthier, not because of how I look.

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Posted:     Post subject:

I had always been a "normal" size (6 or eight) until my mid-thirties. My BIGGEST fear in life was to be fat. And now here I am, living it. Thankfully, my perception of my size hasn't caught up with reality--I'm always surprised to see myself in a mirror or window. And then I try to quickly forget what I saw! LOL!

Being so fat has completely changed my life. Where I go, what I do, how I feel about myself. I still dress stylishly but as a lover of fashion I hate that my body limits my options. Socially, I used to make weekend plans to go here, there and everywhere but now I have to think: will it be too hot? What I can wear? How long will I have to walk or stand or sit? And I never think that a guy could possibly be flirting with me; only if a friend points it out or I mull it over later.

I still have a cheerful outlook and try not to focus on me-me-me. I don't like how I look, but I try to find positives (beau coup cleavage! youthful face!). I don't intend to stay this way--I'm starting to lose weight on Drs orders. But another plus is that I DON'T want to go back to size 6 again--I'm looking forward to having a bit more padding than that. It feels very feminine.

Great question, Shannon!

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I have so many issues with how I look and feel that I am about to undertake bariatric surgery. My list of issues is long, long, long. I have been steadily gaining weight for the past 15 or so years. I was in such denial about it that when I actually started looking at myself I couldn't believe what had happened. I've tried assorted diets, nutritionists, eating disorders clinics, all kinds of things. I just know that I won't live very much longer if I don't get a grip of my health problems and start taking better care of myself. [/size][/size]


Jazzy Jane
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Posted:     Post subject:

Wow.. y'all are awesome...Like Sue I haven't always been sooo big.but the kick in the butt for me is when I weighed 106 for many years..then 118 ... I thought I was fat then!!!I was fairly normal even up until I had given birth to my first son ....after gaining with him I struggled to get it off..then pregnant again with my second son. A back injury and other various things that rendered me unable to be as active as I had always been...I believe I'm much more critical of myself than others are of me...but then I could be wrong.....

Just your mean and nasty somewhat sarcastic and blind senior citizen!!
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October 9, 2006
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PostPosted:     Post subject: Fat and proud?
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I'm certainly not proud to be fat LOL that never made much sense to me. I'm use to being obese, I don't remember what it felt like to be smaller anymore. Even though I was once a size 9, I have always been short, stocky, tree-trunk leg and upper arm built, so I've never experienced that feeling of looking good or even just melting into the crowd. When I wasn't so fat I had huge breasts that made me stick out in the crowd and now that they are gone, I'm so huge I am the crowd! :roll I would like to be healthy and a size where you don't worry about breaking furniture or fitting into a booth or climbing steps, that would be wonderful to me. I think it's a huge waste of one's life to worry about what you look like all the time, most people are average looking at best anyway, so really I don't put a lot of thought into my body or looks unless it's relevant, like can I get up into his SUV without a crane or is there going to be room for me to slide past other customers or will my butt fit into the theater seat.

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Posted:     Post subject:

I am definitely not proud of being fat and I am still trying to accept my body the way that it is. I have struggled with my weight my entire life. I was a size 9 at one point in my teens and I still thought myself as fat----Oh to be that size again!!!!!

My main concern with my weight is the health issues. I was recently tested for diabetes and all turned out fine. My cholesterol is fine but my bood pressure is not. This really scares me.

I worry that I will be alone for the rest of my life because of my weight. It seems that the only men who are attracted to me are the married ones and it goes against everything that I believe in to h--k up with a married man.

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i'm not proud of being fat but i am proud of the person inside of this fat body...i am a good woman with a big heart and great personality but i face issues like many others...seating in theaters,resturants.airplanes,ya know...i weighed 110 when i got married in 1973 and today i weight around 260...2 kids and many years later,here i well...

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I've never thought of it as being proud of myself or not proud of myself in the physical. Either I like how I look or I don't. That changes with how I feel mentally day to day. There may be certain aspects of my body I would like to change, but I am who I am. Others can love it or leave it. Their choice. But 'proud' or 'not proud'? I like WHO I am. One day I might even find that special man that likes who I am too! lol.

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January 17, 2007
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like many of you i have struggled with my weight my entire life . in my teens i was pretty average. then i ended up losing alot of weight when i was 15 years old. got down to a size 8 . and 129lbs. will years later i more over weight then i ever been in my life . 232lbs probally more though. i ust to be in the 100's for a long while. then i guess laziness and bad eatting habits caught up to me.. to be honest im not proud of being this heavy. but i would like to get into a smaller size. but not a size 8. i would be comfortable in a size 12. and i really need to lose weight cause of my health issues. and because im at risk for type 2 diabetes heart disease high blood pressure etc. and because of my weight my menstrual cycle is messed up. and am on birth control to fix it. and to top it off they told me in the future i will have trouble having kids. which really sucks.

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Posted:     Post subject:

princessofpink wrote: I agree with Keri. I am comfortable with who I am. I am happy with the way I look and happy with who I am, but I'm not happy with the fact that I am big. There are many big women who will say they are healthy despite their weight. I never had any issues till recently. I think that at some point it's only realistic to say that it will catch up to you. I am working on losing some pounds, but I want to lose it to be healthier, not because of how I look.

It pains the Chef to hear about a fine lady such as yourself havin health issues. The Chef has done much study on the subject of culinary nutrition so the Chef would be more than happy to advice and counsel you on how to achieve a heathier way of eatin.

The Chef was once much larger than his 280 pounds and a bit gouty in the leg. Cheffin presents certain occupational hazzards and one of them is the risk of obesity. Like you, the Chef could stand to lose a few pounds perhaps 30 as the Chef is a powerful and muscular man underneath all that fine fat.

If you are so inclined in takin some weighloss advice from the Chef he would be more than happy to assit you in identifying the cause of your obesity and would offer you a solution once the problem has been properly identified.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Fat


I've never really struggled with my weight, I've always been big and have become bigger and bigger as ive become older, so many cakes so little time kinda thing. Im 400 pounds ish and the moment and really im at a point where getting any bigger would be a really, really, really bad idea health wise so I have to do something about it. I suppose at some point you have to take responsibility for yourself and the way you live your life. Ive never felt the need to say no to myself before but im starting to do that, I gotta say I don't like the word no much, its so not me. So although ive never done anything about it before because it hasn't bothered me enough at this point I need to pull the reigns in a little.

Im a very confident person, happy with myself, I think im attractive and my weight really isn't a big deal to me in the way it seems to be to the general population. Thats why I find it hard to say no to myself now because I suppose it doesn't really bother me enough. Saying that my health is important and at the moment im cool as I am but there's only so long the human body can cope with the onslaught of doughnuts.

I never understand people who talk about being fat and proud and all that kinda crap. Its nonsense, what are you proud of, you ate too much, well done you. Pride comes from accomplishment, an achievement. Im proud that im a good and loving person, a loyal friend. Im proud that I have a good job and that I worked hard to get it. Im proud that I managed to stop buying high heeled shoes long enough to save up enough cash to buy my flat. Those are things to be proud of. Don't get me wrong, im not ashamed of my weight but im not proud either. It is what it is, im a fat bird, its not that deep. Saying you're proud to be fat is like saying you're proud to have blonde hair. It really doesn't matter.

I love myself inside and out and although there are things I would change physically all women regardless of their size feel that way. My best mate who's about one size up from a broom handle and working it well wants to change things about her physical appearance, its a female thing, we're never happy.

If you get down to the basics fat is just that....fat...a bit of extra flesh. In all honesty I can never understand why everyone cares so much. I personally prefer to focus on something of more substance.


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March 1, 2007
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How do I feel about myself. I agree with all the ladies here. I have struggled my entire life with my weight the more I dieted the more weight I put on when I stopped dieting. I "HATE" how I look and I beat myself up every day for being big, yet I don't seem to have the strength or "Will power" to change it. I believe I would have to go the drastic route and get surgery. I have also tried it all weightwatchers, forced fasting(by a loving sister) pills, atkins and on and on. It's not the amount of food I eat...yet don't get me wrong some days when I'm down and have the I give up blues I eat and eat. Mostly though it is the type of foods I eat. The poor mans and fattening. My worst fear is never knowing what it feels like to be "Normal". I have had the you have a beautiful face if only comments. I'm the woman with a great personality. Smart, sweet, kind, loving...yet I remain unhappy 99.5% of my days. Any advice on how to start learning to except oneself as is or caring enough about yourself to change what you don't like?

Judge me not
and let me be dont go by
what you "THINK" you see
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April 18, 2007
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I have the worst self esteem ever, I absolutely HATE my body for the most part.

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