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Weight Loss Surgery - Men, Your Comments Please

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Weight Loss Surgery - Men, Your Comments Please

Hi - I've had weight loss surgery and lost all that I'm likely to after 2.5 years, but am still rather overweight at 190 lbs (I'm 5'7"). I'm delighted with the results,, tho, and happy at this weight and size.

My question is this: like almost all WLS patients, I have excess skin at the arms, thighs, stomach, etc. I'm 54, so it didn't snap back like it might with a younger woman, plus I was nearly 400 lbs to start.

I may be really shooting myself in the foot with this post, but I'm seriously wanting to know how men will react to this? (I mean, will anyone respond to my profile now??) I consider myself still a BBW, and I'm now very active and healthy. (I play golf, ride a bike, hike and walk, swim, etc., and no longer have any health problems like diabetes, etc.) But I haven't been in a situation since the surgery for a man to see the naked truth, so to speak, and I am very nervous about it.

Anyway, your sincere comments will be appreciated. Plastic surgery is not an option for me, and exercise doesn't affect this skin, it's just going to be loose and flabby from now on. It's the sort of thing that means I don't go out sleeveless, or wear short shorts, and am unhappy with strangers seeing me in a bathing suit. Not much different from when I was so fat! However I look pretty normal with clothes on.

I know, it's just charming, and of course we shouldn't be judging each other by our physical issues, but we do, we're only human.

I'm grateful for your insight.

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November 14, 2007
Posts: 8

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Well, I'm not a man but I know that problem too. A few years ago my parents send me away to lose weight, it worked pretty well, even though I put it back on again by now. So I also had the extra skin!
My expierence is that it doesn't really bother most men that much, tough I strongly recommend you telling them before aaaaand I don't know how badly it is with you... doing the math you've lost over 200lbs, so you might be a bit more extreme than my case was, so all I say may be worthless, in that case I'm sorry
But I think there are some ways without surgery to receed the extra skin a bit, you should see your doctor and see if they can help you!
All the best...

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

I think weight loss surgery should only be done in a life and death matter. If you weigh an extreme amount and lose weight that fast not only will you loss fat but you will lose muscle mass as well. You will also have alot of lose skin which you'll need additional surgery to get rid and it will leave scares on your body. What I have been doing the past month and will do the rest of my life is watch what I eat, arobic exercise and weight training. If you have the will power this would be your best bet for losing weight and LOOKING GOOD. If you use this method you are less likely to have lose skin and the lean muscle mass you build will help burn fat as well and fill in trouble areas of your body. I will post some pictures in about two months from now with my result under my profile. I'm not saying I will be good looking, but I know I will look alot better at that time.

Good luck to all.

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January 28, 2008
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Weight loss surgery that if done for the right reasons can be a real life saver (ie. If health is in danger because of weight or if it greatly hampers you from living a normal life.) The only thing i don't like about it is that what was and still is a life saving proceedure is now being advertised as basic plastic surgery and no more dangerious then Lipo. I've seen people when these surgerys go wrong and they're in great amounts of pain for months after they have it done. Alot of the doctors speed over that fact when they talk about it to potntial patients. I'm not against the surgery but sometimes it seems unnessecary like when 16yr olds get lipo to get rid of weight that will sometimes distribute itself out as they get older. Extra skin never bothered me but the levels i've seen on some after WLS think it's worse for the person that had the surgery since if it's bad enough can effect there daily lives as much as the weight did. In cases like that plastic surgery is the only hope then.

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