caregiver1969_PREV (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: I can't get no satisfaction |
The xen of classic rock.
Part one: The meaning of life.
What is the meaning of life? What are the answers of life's eternal questions..?
Deep stuff, certainly...
Just like the guru's who can look into the petals of a flower, and understand the universe, I'll attempt to address some of life's deeper mysteries... Using classic rock songs.
As long as man has looked up to the heavens, he has asked.."What is the meaning of it all"?
Who am I? Why am I here? Why do I feel the way I do?
The answer is simple.
I can't get no satisfaction.
...No, really.
Or, if you prefer, the "unfulfilled quest".
No matter how much you eat, you will be hungry again. No matter how much you drink, you will soon again be thirsty.
The best of man's wisdom, only provides more questions than answers. We long for something that is just outside of our reach. And, the harder we try, the farther, it seems, we move away from our goals.
Does this defeat us?
No. It drives us harder to find our goals. It inspires us to continue on a path that has no end.
The reward isn't a destination...But, the journey itself. The "quest" IS the reward.
Will we find the "grail" of our dreams...The gold at the end of the rainbow..?
Probably not. But, it is in TRYING that we truly find what we were looking for.
That which was inside us the whole time.
So, the answer is...A question.
"Who am I?" IS the answer.
You are the one who asks the questions, and you are the one who provides the answers.
The world is what we make if it.
And, so are we all.