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Joined: October 9, 2006
Posts: 29
Posted: Post subject: How will the war in Iraq affect the upcoming elections? |
How do you think the progress of the war in Iraq will affect the upcoming elections? Do you think there will be any major changes after the election?
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 2rainbow (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
I think the war in Iraq is going to be a HUGE issue in the elections.
We still haven't found bin Laden.
There is no exit strategy for leaving Iraq.
Bush, the 'Decider', has shown himself to be a liar, and no one who wants to be elected wants to be connected with a known liar.
I think that having John Warner make less-than-positive comments about how things are going over there, says a lot about the jockeying taking place for the upcoming elections.
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Joined: August 14, 2006
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I have to agree with 2rainbow. I think the election will be decided on who can get us out of the mess the quickest and with the least loss of life to the troops. I can only hope that our fearless leader doesnt get us into a stand off with North Korea before we can get him out of office.
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Joined: August 11, 2006
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While I would like to believe that the sheer damage that GWB has done to the country while in office would be enough to get some changes to happen in the next election I firmly believe that unless the Democratic party can come up with a solid plan to help sway the "iffy" votes to their side it might end up with people falling back on the devil they know rather than the devil they don't.
You simply cannot just say that if you elect me I'll get you out of the mess that GWB put us in... you have to actually have a plan or people aren't going to feel comfortable electing blindly. I think that is the major reason that Kerry lost. It wasn't because he was wishy washy it was because he didn't come out with his plan and show its effectiveness and as such the voters didn't believe that he actually had a plan.
One thing I can say is that I hope that with all the s----l debauchery that conservatives still like to bandy around in the faces of liberals regarding Clinton that I am hoping that the same flag waving is going to impede the Republicans with all the BS about the underage male intern emails that were sent by a member of the Republican party.
LOL all that campaigning about banning gay marriage and it seems that the Republicans have quite a few gay and pedophile skeletons dancing in their closets. They might want to stop trying to sweep everything under the rug and simply face the reality that they aren't representing themselves truthfully to the rest of the world.
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Joined: October 9, 2006
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I think Iraq was a huge voting factor in the last election, in that many were afraid to change presidents in the middle of a war. Now I think people are more sick of the republican administration than they are scared, but that remains to be seen.
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 honee_PREV (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
I don't see there EVER being any major changes as long as we have a two party system...the "blame game" has and will go on with the newly elected party always promising to "clean up" the mess left by the previous.I personally don't see that much difference between either party.The president is just a figurehead as far as I am concerned...and only as good as his advisors and congress...There has been war for as long as I can remember....and I imagine it will continue.
Just your mean and nasty somewhat sarcastic and blind senior citizen!!
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 tomorow_PREV (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: Who really supports the Troops? |
The illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq (let's remember, there never was a formal declaration of war voted on and approved by congress) is obviously a major factor in the upcoming elections. All in all, iraq has been a blackhole down which bush has tossed our nation's wealth (and more importantly, the lives of many, American, Iraqi, and others) inrder to create a cause with which to rally the bloodthirsty and xenophobic base of the republican party. Electing people who are commited to ending this disgusting charade is critical, but they must also be prepared to deal with all the problems caused by the bush crime family's war profiteering. One problem that comes to mind is the fact that veterans will be returning home with nothing waiting for them but a weak economy and very little support in the way of veteran's benefits. All of our existing veteran's programs have had their funding striped from them by the "We Support The Troops!" republicans. Jack Webb's (Democrat, VA) new GI bill would be a good start to dealing with the problem of unemployed, angry vets wandering our streets, often homeless, and with nothing to do.Thus far, both Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama have signed on to this while John McCain has not. Democrats tend to support the troops by funding veteran's programs while republicans support the troops by wearing American Flag lapel pins. One must decide the type of support that is actually needed, though I urge one not to chose the method of "support" that involves wearing a cheap lapel pin made in china.
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 gunterm2007 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
.i thought this was for people who are large or like large people. not some giving a description of there opninon on the war |
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Joined: March 14, 2008
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.i think the war is stupid u r killing our men for what |
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Joined: December 6, 2008
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.Who was it who said that nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people? I'm assuming the worst. MY guess is that we'll be there for another 4 years at least. Yes, that's an election prediction. Wait..This is LargePassions? |
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Joined: April 8, 2005
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`Does anyone remember how long we wasted in Vietnam? This is the same useless war in a different country. We should not be there. Bush lied about weapons of mass destruction yet he is still in office. If McCain is elected, and I believe he will be, then this will continue until Bush gets more oil money he can never spend. Just speaking the truth.
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