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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: GIRLS, READ THIS!

ok, so lately i've been hearing that everybody thinks skinny broads are sexy or something, well i went out and searched for an answer, i talked to over 20 random guys, and all of my male friends and I've drawn one conclusion:

If a guy wanted to be with a skeleton, They'd go dig one up.
Meat is for men, bones are for dogs, ect.

I can honestly say i find skinny women repulsive in every way possible.

Sadistic Simba.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`What the.....? This is the third time I tried to reply to this

I have small, medium, large and extra large girlfriends. The larger ones seem more content and I now know why.

The Larger girlfriends met their man/lover/husband when they were bbws and even though society tells men not to like big women these guys defied the culture and love these women anyway. That in it self is romantic. So these women feel that their guy really does love them.

My small girlfriends met their soulmates at their socially acceptable weights and now worry about gaining because their men "don't want no porkies" can you imagin that kind of pressure? Stay the same of else---I'm leaving.

Not that all small women have to go thru this but enough of them do.

What ever your size or shape just love yourself and hope that you will meet someone who shares your view too.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

This is an interesting idea cocoaberryc.

However, it's difficult to say how much that is contributed to by larger people being generally more laid back and therefore happier in the first place !?

Live, Drink & Enjoy, before the Life is found !
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`I agree Sbaggyblurb,

I personally have noticed that If one is happy and accepts self---others tend to pick up on those vibes and react in a possitive way towards them, I especially find this true with many larger men and women.

A positive attitude never hurts.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Re: GIRLS, READ THIS!

sadisticsimba wrote: ok, so lately i've been hearing that everybody thinks skinny broads are sexy or something, well i went out and searched for an answer, i talked to over 20 random guys, and all of my male friends and I've drawn one conclusion:

If a guy wanted to be with a skeleton, They'd go dig one up.
Meat is for men, bones are for dogs, ect.

I can honestly say i find skinny women repulsive in every way possible.

Sadistic Simba.

i would like to buy you a drink.

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June 25, 2010
Posts: 5

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`So, I love you for this. Just saying.

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June 11, 2010
Posts: 12

PostPosted:     Post subject:
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`"sadisticsimba" I wish all men had this point of view because the way women view themselve is the result of mens opinions

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`I find that men who like or are open to a bigger woman do have one thing they desire from their bigger gf though - .... confidence. If the woman is large but with low self-esteem it puts a terrible burden on the guy to constantly reassure them and build them up. So unless the guy is a bit of a "captain save a ho" type, he's gonna eventually get worn down by her low self-esteem.

So ladies, don't feel a need for confirmation from a Sadistic Simba. Instead see his very kind and supportive words as a "nice to have" not a "Must have" in order to feel you can be proud of who you are. Instead find self love, feel proud of who you are, maximize your assets and then you'll have so many sadistic simbas (and his 20 buddies) at your door you won't know who to pick!

Remember this saying, "some will, some won't - so what?! Who's next?!"

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

My experience has been that many of the men who insist on being seen with thinnies are insecure and dont really think for themselves. Society dictates that thin is more attractive and healthier, so these guys, even some married ones after wifey's childbirth, believe that hype and are ashamed to be seen with or find a fuller figured woman as a desireable mate. However, creepin' on the downlow with her is alright.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`yeah the downlow thing ticks me off more than anything!

If I'm good enough to bed, then I had better be good enough to do any and every thing else with.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Yeah thats how a man that respects himself should roll. Then wont mind respecting you as a woman.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`In response to: "Society dictates that thin is more attractive and healthier, so these guys, even some married ones after wifey's childbirth, believe that hype and are ashamed to be seen with or find a fuller figured woman as a desireable mate. " I for one do not allow any one to influence my thinking. Society may dictate for some but not for me nor to me. I made my own way and will continue to see lovley large women as they are gorgeous, both inside and out. As soon as other true men see this they can find a lot of friends both here and in the real world. The only difference is that online you never have enough friends...

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

[quote="fatuglyguy]I for one do not allow any one to influence my thinking. I made my own way and will continue to see lovley large women as they are gorgeous, both inside and out. As soon as other true men see this they can find a lot of friends... [/quote]
Amen on that one bro!

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`All women are beautiful if that is how they see themselves. And for whatever reasons they may have, every guy will have his own taste for what he likes. I will not speak for the majority of males, but I will state my own opinions and come up with my own conclusions. I, like many of you probably, have friends who will tease and ridicule you for your taste in women. But, as stated before, insecurities play a huge factor. I can not tell you exactly why I prefer larger women, but I can tell you that honestly, I do. And no one can change my mind.

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October 25, 2010
Posts: 2

PostPosted:     Post subject:
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`Personally, I think that it's okay/good that people come in all shapes in sizes. I don't think a skinny girl is any more/less innately attractive or valid than an overweight one.

I've dated very thin and very large men. Love the person, not the scale.

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