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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Communicating.

From my experiences with online dating there are four ways of communicating with someone you meet.
1) Flirts or email. With this method you can think of what you want to say ahead of time and preview what you are going to send. I always found this way to be the easiest. If you think out everything right and have correct grammar this can make you look pretty impressive.
2) Instant messaging. This is a way of chatting in real time and being able to ask and answer questions and tell your stories. The advantages of this are you don't have to wait all day for answers about things, the other person you are chatting with can not read into your feelings about things and it is pretty safe as long as you don't give out personal imformation. But the drawbacks are you don't know who you are really chatting with sometimes, you have to think out things alot quicker or it will make you look stupid or untruthful, it is easier to make grammar errors and the other person can tell you whatever they want you to read.
3) Talking on the telephone. If you get to this point you're doing pretty good. This is the first formal communication you will have with a person, unless you skip to next topic. The advantages of talking to someone are you know they are real most of the time, you can see their expressions more than before, you will have a much better idea if you want to see them in person and you know what they sound like. The drawbacks are if it is long distance it can cost money, it is easy to get nervous and make major mistakes in what you say, if things don't work out this person may still bother you and you have to be yourself beyond belief or they can tell you are full of it.
4) Meeting in person. This is by far the most formal way of communication you can have with a person. If you get this far you should be proud of yourself. The pros are you get a total view of the person's appearance, you can tell how they feel about things because you see body and face expressions, you will know how far you're going to go with things from this point and you can enjoy each other company. The cons are it is very easy to get nervous and make major screwups, if the person you see doesn't like your appearance it doesn't matter what you say(it changes nothing at this point), if there are hard feelings this person could give you major problems and if you don't judge this person right it could be a life long mistake.
The only advise I can give with communication is take your time with things and always be yourself no matter what.
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