jadedlady (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: Brava |
It is a beautiful thing to see young women who are learning to love themselves just as they are. I know that this can be a very difficult thing to do with the world trying to tell you that you aren't worthy. Not that I am terribly old, lol, I am only 40, but it took me until this time in my life to begin the journey of knowing ME. The me that I really am instead of the person that everyone, for my entire life, has tried to tell me I should be. I waisted a lot of good years thinking that if I could only be skinny life would be good. This is so not true. When I was in my early 20's I lost a ton of weight and got down to what was considered a good weight for me. My life didn't change drastically other than more shallow people thought I was a little closer to perfect and I could fit in clothes with a smaller number on the tag. I wasn't happier, I wasn't a better person, the people that really cared about me didn't love me more. And then the inevitable happened, I started gaining weight back little by little. I got married and with working all the time and having two kids in my 30's I have gained most of the weight back. I spent most of my 30's in a depressive fog because I wasn't still at the weight I was "back then". The truth, as I have come to realize now, is that I am never going to be thin, skinny, small, or any of the labels used for people who are what most of the world considers acceptable. So, I am just now learning to love myself as I am, imperfections and all. People are starting, slowly, to realize that all sizes of men and women are beautiful in their own right which was practically unheard of when I was a teenager. I hope that you and all younger people will learn to love themselves and stay true to that self love no matter what this crazy, screwed up world tries to tell them. Please, don't waist your time on trying to fit into a mold. You will regret it I promise you. I would also like to say that crickyboo is sooo right about surrounding yourself with people who accept you for you! I have had "friends" and family all my life that have pushed me to loose weight to look better. Your real friends should only be concerned with your health and happiness, not a number on the scale or what size you wear. Anyone who tells you that you would be better if you were skinnier isn't really a friend. If they support you in your efforts to make your life better whether it be getting healthier by eating better or exercising to feel better or just getting a funky new hair do without bringing your weight or height or yada yada into it then you have a true friend.
Jaded |