I love simplicity. I'm not into partying a lot though, so I wouldn't want anyone who wanted that constantly. Don't get me wrong, I love going out with friends and having fun, I just don't want to do it every weekend. I also don't want someone who drinks a lot. I don't mind a few beers every once in a while. Hell, I'll have one with you, but please don't over do it. In short, my partner needs to have a good head on his shoulders, needs to be considerate, loyal, honest, and be able to make me laugh. I also need to feel safe when I'm with him. This doesn't mean I want a violent guy. I hate violence. Seriously, the first and last time I was in a fight was in 2nd grade over a tire swing! I also don't play games so, I'd expect that in return. I like to put my whole heart into things and I will bend over backwards to make the person I'm with feel loved.
I'm currently working as an assistant activity director in a skilled treatment facility. In other words, I work in a nursing home doing a bunch of fun stuff with old people. I love my job. I like to help people. The residents there really make it worth all my time spent there.
I'm also trying to get back in college to finish my
license. Hopefully it'll work out this time!

If you just want a short-term relationship or a "wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am" sort of thing, please move on. If you aren't sure if you want something serious, please don't waste my time, because I'm ready. I just haven't found the "right" person yet. Maybe you're him?