I believe that in order to have a good relationship or a lasting relationship you must first become best friends. I mean lets face it when we get old and gray together and there is no physical intimacy anymore and all you have is each other, don't you think it would be good to atleast like the person you are sittng there with all day long evryday. Makes sense to me.....LOL
I am very strait forward and to the point nall the time. I do have manners so I am not guilty of being rude or tactless when I speak but I do not candy coat anything....HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY....so if u dont want me to tell you the truth please dont ask

As far as what I am looking for in a woman/friend it is quite simple. I would like to find someone with a good sense of humor who is truthful and shoots me strait....dont be affraid to say whats on your mind.
As far as looks go.....I really dont care much about that because eventually we are all going to get old and wrinkled and we wont think we are so attractive any way.....LOL
I look for whats in a persons heart and character before I look at features, because if the inside is ugly then the outside will never matter,......
I hope I have been pretty clear on here as to who I am and what I stand for but incase I forgot something please feel free to send me a message and ask anything you like and I will respond the same day and I promise that it will be the truth.
God bless us everyone.