Ok, I am new to the city - here from Ontario - and basically I'm here just to meet some new people.
What else? Well, aside from being new to the city, I'm also professionally employed.... Well, if you can call working for the government professional. I suppose my only redeeming professional quality is that I am fluent in French.
Although I may not be 007 suave, if you ever get stuck in a back alley in the middle of the night with a bunch of baddies ready to do a number on you, well then I am DEFINITELY your guy. Take one good look at my noggin, If that doesn't say hamburger eating thug who saves the girl I don't know what would.
So, I am looking to meet a confident larger women who is comfortable with who she is and can put up with an ocassionally irrational but generally decent, warm hearted guy. Pretty simple right?!
FYI - Most of my competition on this site are a bunch of meatheads with one thing on their mind. So I wouldn't pay them much attention if I were you. Whereas I, well . . . I'm a gentleman of course. Unlike those dummies, I know how to treat women