To break it down this means..I'm a big curvy girl with lots of snuggle potential. Fat - it's not a bad word people, it's an adjective that accurately describes my body in a general way - it's only a bad word when put into an insulting context. Yup, I'm a big girl..yup I still show off cleavage and I refuse to wear anything that even vaguely resembles a godamn mumuu...I got curves and I like them damnit! (Can you tell I'm a bit of a fat activist?

I am not monogamous, and never will be. This means that even if I were to fall head over heels in love with someone, I would still date other people. I seem to be going through a dry spell relationship wise - but I'm not particularly worried, nor am I desperate, just in case you were wondering

I have no gender preference..I like you for you, not for the equipment you're hiding under your clothes...unless the equipment we're talking about is piercings...meow

Job-wise - I am a cog in the corporate wheel.
I am slowly working on developing an ethical relationship with food and where it is sourced - I feel very lucky to live somewhere like Montreal where there are many resources available. Becoming an ethical foodie is not easy, but I'm very much enjoying the journey. I will always be an omnivore, I'm not interested in cutting meat and/or dairy completely out of my diet, but I am interested in knowing where my meat is coming from, that they weren't fed antibiotics and pesticides, that they were fed good organic food, and that they were treated ethically throughout their lifespan. To that end I've tried starting a communal cooking group with some close friends and am always on the lookout for contacts to local meat/poultry/produce/etc providers.