If you have gotten to this point I'm assuming my profile has been somewhat interesting to this point. As for getting down to the nitty gritty about who I am, I shall explain. Though I hope I do not bore you.
My name one that I share with a few different movie actress's. I thought it was rather boring as a child until I found that out. If you want to know what it is, you can either guess or ask. I'm eighteen years old, as you already know, but I'm not your typical (not to group every 18 year old girl into a stereotype...) young lady of eighteen years. (Am I saying 18 too much?)
I am quite mature for my age. I don't like to party excessively... come to think of it, I've never been to a party that did not include a birthday cake.

I do not drink (seeing as I'm not of legal age yet), nor do I smoke or partake of any kind of drugs. My biggest passions are singing and acting. I'm planning to go to a theatre school, but we'll see.
I am looking for someone who is caring, kind, talkative, funny, responsible, mature, and loving. I want to be able to go out and do something random, to not worry about getting ourselves dirty, to just have fun being with each other! Not even having to spend any money to do it.